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고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. 이진한

Tel:  02-3290-3175

E-mail: reejh@korea.ac.kr

  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Lab Members
  • Profile

    • 고려대학교 지질학과 학사
    • 고려대학교 지질학과 석사
    • 미국 뉴욕주립대학교 지질학과 박사
    • 현재 고려대학교 지구환경과학과 교수
  • Curriculum Vitae

    • KoreaUniversity, B. S. in geology, in 1983.
    • KoreaUniversity, M. S. in geology, in 1985.
    • Thesis title: Structural geology and stratigraphic position of the Kounni Formation in the northeastern OkcheonTerrane,SouthKorea (advisor: Prof. Bong-Soon Park).
    • StateUniversityofNewYorkatAlbany, Ph. D. in structural geology, in 1991.
    • Thesis title: High temperature deformation of octachloropropane: a microstructural study (advisor: Prof. W. D. Means).
    Professional Experience
    • Full-time Lecturer, Assistant Professor, KangwonNationalUniversity,1992-1995.
    • Assistant Professor, AssociateProfessor,Professor,KoreaUniversity,1995-present.
    • Advisory Committee member, Korea Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, 1997 - 2001, 2011 – present.
    • Leader, BK21 Project of the Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea University,1999–2006,2009–2018.
    Academic Activities
    • Geological Society of America, 1987 - 1991, student associate. 1995 - present, member.
    • American Geophysical Union, 2000 – present, member
    • Geological Society of Korea, 1983 - present, member.
    • Geosciences Journal, 1997 – 2002, editorial board member.
    • Geosciences Journal, 2002 – 2004, associate editor.
    • Geosciences Journal, 2005 – 2009, editor.
    • Geosciences Journal, 2010 – 2016, editor-in-chief.
  • Publication

    • Means, W. D. and Ree, J.-H. 1988. Seven types of subgrain boundaries in octachloropropane. Journal of Structural Geology 10, 765-770.
    • Ree, J.-H. 1990. High temperature deformation of octachloropropane: dynamic grain growth and lattice reorientation. In: Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (edited by Knipe, R. J. & Rutter, E. H.). Geological Society of London,SpecialPublication 54, 363-368.
    • Ree, J.-H. 1991. An experimental steady-state foliation. Journal of Structural Geology 13, 1001-1011.
    • Ree, J.-H. 1994. Grain boundary sliding and development of grain boundary openings in experimentally deformed octachloropropane. Journal of Structural Geology 16, 403-418.
    • Ree, J.-H. and Hwang, S.-G. 1994. Indosinian dextral fault system and synkinematic plutonism in the southwest of the Ogcheon belt (SouthKorea)-comment. Tectonophysics 230, 135-137.
    • Ree, J.-H. 1994. Subgrain boundaries in octachloropropane: deformation patterns, subgrain boundary orientation and density. J. Petrol. Soc. Korea 3, 20-33.
    • Cho, M., Kwon, S.-T., Ree, J.-H. & Nakamura, E. 1995. High-pressure amphibolite of the Imjingang belt in ther Yeoncheon-Cheongok area. J. Petrol. Soc. Korea 4, 1-19.
    • Kwon, S.-T., Cho, M., Jeon, E.Y., Lee, S.R. & Ree, J.-H. 1995. Geochemistry of the Chuncheon amphibolite and its origin: (I) major elements. J. Petrol. Soc. Korea 4, 20-30.
    • Kwon, S.-T., Ree, J.-H., Park, K.-H. & Jeon, E.-Y. 1995. Nature of contact between the Ogcheon belt and Yeongnam massif and the Pb-Pb age of granitic gneiss in Cheondong-ri, Danyang. J. Petrol. Soc. Korea 4, 144-152.
    • Ree, J.-H., Cho, M., Kwon, S.-T. & Nakamura, E. 1996. Possible eastward extension of Chinese collision belt in SouthKorea:theImjingangbelt. Geology 24, 1071-1074.
    • Ree. J.-H. 1996. Effect of strain heterogeneity on lattice preferred orientation and dynamic recrystallization in sheared octachloropropane. J. Geol. Soc. Korea 32, 467-480.
    • Park, Y. & Ree, J.-H. 1996. VelView: a teaching tool for the introductiion of the concept of velocity gradient tensor. J. Geol. Soc. Korea 32, 509-518.
    • Kwon, S.-T., Jeon, E. Y. & Ree, J.-H. 1997. Rb-Sr biotite ages from metamorphic rocks of the Gyeonggi massif: tectonic implications. J. Geol. Soc. Korea 33, 49-53.
    • Kwon, S.-T. & Ree, J.-H. 1997. A note on the age of the Honam Shear Zone. J. Geol. Soc. Korea 33, 183-188.
    • Ree, J.-H. & Park, Y. 1997. Static recovery and recrystallization microstructures in sheared octachloropropane. Journal of Structural Geology 19, 1521-1526.
    • Ree, J.-H., Park, Y. & Yi, J.-G. 1998. Measurement of the orientation of quartz c-axes using computer-aided microscopy: a simplified CIP method. J. Geol. Soc. Korea 34, 33-43.
    • Jung, W.-S., Ree, J.-H. & Park, Y., 1999, Non-rotation of garnet porphyroblasts and 3-D inclusion trail data: an example from the Imjingang belt, SouthKorea. Tectonophysics 307, 381-395.
    • Ree, J.-H. 1999. International trends in structural geology: Neustadt Conference. Economic & Environmental Geology 32, 545-549.
    • Kim, J.-N., Ree, J.-H., Kwon, S.-T., Park, Y., Choi, S.-J. and Cheong, C.-S., 2000, The Kyonggi shear zone of the central Korean peninsula: late orogenic imprint of the North and SouthChinacollision.Journal of Geology 108, 469-478.
    • Ree, J.-H., 2000, Grain boundary sliding in experimental deformation of octachloropropane. In: Stress, Strain and Structure CD-ROM (edited by Jessell, M.W. and Urai, J.L.), Journal of the Virtual Explorer v. 2.
    • Chough, S. K., Kwon, S.-T., Ree, J.-H. and Choi, D. K., 2000, Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Korean peninsula: a review and new view. Earth-Science Reviews 52, 175-235.
    • Park, Y., Ree, J.-H. and Kim, S.-S., 2001, Lattice preferred orientation in deformed-then-annealed material: observations from experimental and natural polycrystalline aggregates. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau) 90, 127-135.
    • Ree, J.-H., Kwon, S.-H., Park, Y, Kwon, S.-T., and Park, S.-H., 2001, Pretectonic and posttectonic emplacements of the granitoids in the south central Okchon belt, SouthKorea:implicationsforthetimingofthestrike-slipshearingandthrusting.Tectonics 20, 850-867.
    • Jung, W.-S., Ree, J.-H., Park, Y. and Choi, S.-H., 2002, Lattice preferred orientation of quartz inclusions within garnet porphyroblasts from the Imjingang belt, SouthKorea. Journal of Structural Geology 24, 557-565.
    • Ree, J.-H., Lee, Y.-J., Rhodes,E.J.,Park,Y.,Kwon,S.-T.,Chwae,U.,Jeon,J.-S.andLee,B.J.,2003,QuaternaryreactivationofTertiaryfaultsinsoutheasternKoreanPeninsula:Ageconstraintbyopticallystimulatedluminescencedating.The IslandArc 12, 1-12.
    • Ree, J.-H., 2003, Metamorphic evolution of the Ogcheon metamorphic belt: Review of recent studies and remaining problems -discussion-. Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea 12, 53-54.
    • Kim, J.-S., Ree, J.-H., Han, S.-H., Kim, H.-S., Lee, Y.-J., Lee, K.-J. and Joo, B., 2003, The Ilkwang Fault in southeastern Korearevealedbygeophysicalandtrenchsurveys.Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 39, 211-223.
    • Park, Y., Park, D., Evans, L. and Ree, J.-H. 2004, An Elle-based 2-D model for cation exchange reaction between garnet and biotite. Journal of the Virtual Explorer 15.
    • Park, Y., Ree, J.-H. and Jung, W.-S., 2004, Rotation of Prismatic Rigid Porphyroblasts and Development of Internal Foliation: Results from Pixel-based Modelling Study. Journal of the Virtual Explorer 15.
    • Park, Y., Lee, C. and Ree, J.-H., 2004, Simulation of magmatic fabrics using PFC. In: Shimizu, Y., Hart, R.D. and Cundall, P.A., Numerical Modeling in Micromehcchanics via Particle Method, Proceedings of the 2nd International PFC Symposium, pp. 175-179, A.A. Balkema Publishers.
    • Choi, S.-G., Kwon, S.-T., Ree, J.-H., So, C.-S. and Pak, S.J., 2005, Origin of Mesozoic gold mineralization in SouthKorea.The IslandArc 14, 102-114.
    • Sagong, H., Kwon, S,-T. and Ree, J.-H., 2005, Mesozoic episodic magmatism in SouthKoreaanditstectonicimplication.Tectonics 24, TC5002, 1-18, doi:10.1029/2004TC001720.
    • Ree, J.-H. and Kwon, S.-T., 2005, The Wangsan Fault: One of the most ‘active’ faults in SouthKorea?Geosciences Journal 9, 223-226.
    • Ree, J.-H., Kim, H.S. Han, R. and Jung, H., 2005, Grain-size reduction of feldspars by fracturing and neocrystallization in a low-grade mylonite and its rheological effect. Tectonophysics 407, 227-237.
    • Han, R., Ree, J.-H., Cho, D.-L., Kwon, S.-T. and Armstrong, R., 2006, SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages of pyroclastic rocks in the Bansong Group, Taebaeksan basin, South Korea and their implication for the Mesozoic tectonics. Gondwana Research v. 9, 106-117.
    • Park, Y., Ree, J.-H. and Yoo, S.-H., 2006, Fault slip analysis of Quaternary faults in southeastern Korea.Gondwana Research v. 9, 118-125.
    • Park, Y. and Ree, J.-H., 2006, Comment on ‘Chemical remagnetization of the Upper Carboniferous-Lower Triassic Pyeongan Supergroup in the Jeongseon Area,Korea:FluidmigrationthroughtheOgcheonFoldBelt’byY.H.Park,S.-J.DohandD.Suk.Geophysical Journal International v. 164, 481-483.
    • Sagong, H., Kwon, S.-T., Han, R. and Ree, J.-H., 2006. Cretaceous thermal event around the Gongsuwon thrust in the northeastern Okcheon belt: evidence from Rb-Sr geochronology of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Geosciences Journal v. 10, 59-66.
    • Park, Y., Yoo, S.-H. and Ree, J.-H., 2006, Weakening of deforming granitic rocks with layer development at middle crust. Journal of Structural Geology v. 28, 919-928.
    • Han, R., Shimamoto, T., Hirose, T., Ree, J.-H. and Ando, J., 2007, Ultralow friction of carbonate faults caused by thermal decomposition. Science, v. 316, 878-881.
    • Park, J.-C., Kim, W., Chung, T.W., Baag, C.-E. and Ree, J.-H., 2007, Focal mechanisms of recent earthquakes in the southern KoreanPeninsula.Geophysical Journal International, v. 169, 1103-1114.
    • Han, R., Shimamoto, Ando, J. and Ree, J.-H., 2007, Seismic slip record in carbonate-bearing fault zones: An insight from high-velocity friction experiments on siderite gouge. Geology, v. 35, no. 12 (December), 1131-1134.
    • Song, W.J. and Ree, J.-H., 2007, Effect of mica on the grain size of dynamically recrystallized quartz in a quartz-muscovite mylonite. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 29, no. 12 (December), 1872-1881.
    • Park, Y., Evans, L., Park, D. and Ree, J.-H., 2008, Garnet-biotite cation exchange. In: Bons, P.D., Koehn, D. and Jessell, M.W., Microdynamic Simulation, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 106, pp. 88-96, Springer, Berlin.
    • Ree, J.-H., Han, R. and Kim, J.K., 2009, Prelithified deformation of the Jurassic Bansong Group along the Gongsuwon Thrust, South Korea. Geosciences Journal, v. 13, no. 2 (June), 167-173.
    • Kim, H.S. and Ree, J.-H., 2010. P-T modeling of kyanite and sillimanite paramorphs growth after andalusite in late Paleozoic Pyeongan Supergroup, South Korea: Implication for metamorphism during the Mesozoic tectonic evolution. Lithos, v. 118, no. 3/4 (August), 269-286, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.05.005.
    • Kim, J.-W., Ree, J.-H., Han, R. and Shimamoto, T., 2010. Experimental evidence for the simultaneous formation of pseudotachylyte and mylonite in the brittle regime. Geology, v. 38, no. 12 (December), 1143-1146, doi: 10.1130/G31593.1.
    • Seong, Y.B., Kang, H.C., Ree, J.-H., Yi, C. and Yoon, H., 2011. Constant slip rate during the late Quaternary along the Sulu He segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault near Changma, Gansu, China. Island Arc, v. 20, no. 1 (March), 94-106, doi:10.1111/j.1440-1738.2010.00743.x.
    • Seong, Y.B., Kang, H.C., Ree, J.-H., Choi, J.-H., Lai, Zhonping, Hong, H. and Yoon, H.O., 2011. Geomorphic constraints on active mountain growth by the lateral propagation of fault-related folding: A case study on Yumu Shan, NE Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 41, no. 2 (May), 184-194, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.01.015.
    • Zwingmann, H., Han, R. and Ree, J.-H., 2011. Cretaceous reactivation of the Deokpori Thrust, Taebaeksan Basin, South Korea, constrained by K-Ar dating of claey fault gouge. Tectonics, v. 30 (2011-10-19). TC5015, doi:10.1029/2010TC002829.
    • Kim, S. and Ree, J.-H., 2012. Quantification of the spatial distribution of mineral phases and grains in rock using a 2-D multiple-area density map technique. Tectonophysics, 522, 176-186, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.11.025 (2012-02-05).
    • Kim, H.S., Ree, J.-H. and Kim, J., 2012. Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Permo-Triassic Songrim (Indosinian) orogeny: evidence from the late Paleozoic Pyeongan Supergroup in the northeastern Taebaeksan Basin, South Korea. International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 101, 483-498, doi: 10.1007/s00531-011-0683-x (2012-03-01).
    • Lee, S.Y., Min, K., Ree, J.-H., Han R. and Jung, H., 2012. The Geounri Shear Zone in the Paleozoic Taebaeksan Basin of Korea: Tectonic Implications. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 42, 91-103, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2012.06.009 (2012-09-01).
    • Smith, S.A.F., Di Toro, G., Kim, S., Ree. J.-H., Nielsen, S., Billi, A. and Spiess, R., 2013. Coseismic recrystallization during shallow earthquake slip. Geology, v. 41, no. 1, 63-66, doi: 10.1130/G33588.1. (2013-01-01)
    • Kim, H.S. and Ree, J.-H., 2013. Permo-Triassic changes in bulk crustal shortening directionduringdeformationandmetamorphismoftheTaebaeksanBasin,SouthKoreausingfoliationintersection/inflectionaxes:ImplicationsfortectonicmovementattheeasternmarginofEurasiaduringtheSongrim(Indosinian)orogeny.Tectonophysics,587, 133-145, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.08.033 (2013-03-01).
    • Kim, H.S., Hwang, M.-K., Ree, J.-H. and Yi, K., 2013. Tectonic linkage between the Korean Peninsula and mainland Asia in the Cambrian: Insights from U-Pb dating of detrital zircon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 368, 204-218, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.03.003 (2013-04-15).
    • Chough, S.K., Lee, D.J. and Ree, J.-H., 2013. Whereabouts of the collision belt between the Sino-Korean and South China blocks in the northeast Asian margin. Geosciences Journal 17, no. 4, 397-401, doi: 10.1007/s12303-013-0057-4.
    • Han, R., Min, K., Ree, J-H. and Foster, D.A., 2014. Extensional deformation along the southern boundary of the Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea: structural characteristics, age constraints, and tectonic implications. International Journal of Earth Sciences 103, no 3, 757-776 (2014-04-01).
    • Ree, J.-H., Ando, J., Han, R., Shimamoto, T., 2014. Coseismic microstructures of experimental fault zones in Carrara marble. Journal of Structural Geology 66, 75-83, DOI 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.05.012 (2014-09-01).
    • Kim, D., Wallis, S., Endo, S. and Ree, J-H., 2016. Seismic properties of lawsonite eclogites from the southern Motagua fault zone, Guatemala. Tectonophysics 677-678, 88-98, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2016.04.012 (2016-05-23).
    • Ree, J.-H., Choh, S.-J., Jung, H. and Lee, D-J., 2016. Re-examination of a supposed ‘archaeocyatha’ specimen from the Hyangsanni Formation, Okcheon Basin, Korea. Geosciences Journal 20, 285-294, DOI 10.1007/s12303-016-0023-z (2016-06-01).
    • Kim, H.S. and Ree, J.-H., 2016. Comment on “Detrital zircon geochronology and Nd isotope geochemistry of the basal succession of the Taebaeksan Basin, South Korea: Implications for the Gondwana linkage of the Sino-Korean (North China) block during the Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian” by Lee, Y.I., Choi, T., Lim, H.S., & Orihashi, Y. [Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 441 (2016) 770–786]. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 459, 610-612, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.04.031 (2016-10-01).
    • Lee, D.-C., Choh, S-J, Lee, D.-J., Ree, J.-H., Lee, J.-H., and Lee, S.-B., 2017. Where art thou “the great hiatus?” – review of Late Ordovician to Devonian fossil-bearing strata in the Korean Peninsula and its tectonostratigraphic implications. Geosciences Journal 21, 913-931, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12303-017-0046-0 (2017-12).
    • Kim, S, Ree, J.-H., Han, R., Kim, N. and Jung, H., 2018. Fabric transition with dislocation creep of a carbonate fault zone in the brittle regime. Tectonophysics 723, 107-116, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2017.12.008. (2018-01)
    • Kim, H.S., Ree, J.-H. and Yi, K., 2018. The tectonic boundary between the Okcheon and Taebaeksan basins, South Korea: A restraining bend of a continental transform fault between the South and North China Cratons. Island Arc 27, 1-10. e12237. https://doi.org/10.1111/iar.12237 (2018-03).
    • Kim, K.-H., Ree, J-H., Kim, YH., Kim, S., Kang, S.Y., Seo, W., 2018. Assessing whether the 2017 Mw 5.4 Pohang earthquake in South Korea was an induced event. Science 360, 1007-1009. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aat6081(2018-06)
    • Kim, S., Ree, J.-H., Yoon, H.-S., Choi, B.-K., Park, P.-H., 2018. Crustal Deformation of South Korea after the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: Deformation Heterogeneity and Seismic Activity. Tectonics (in press). https://doi.org/10.1029/2018TC004967
  • Research

    Research Topic
    • Microstructural processes in deformation localization
    • Fault mechanics
    • Korean geology and tectonics
  • Teaching

    Undergraduate student

    • EAES 301 구조지질학 (Structural Geology)
    • EAES 302 지체구조학 (Tectonics)
    • EAES 414 야외지질학실습 (Field Geology)
  • Lab Members

    박사과정 김재훈

    석사과정 박소희 안상익 박초원 전용석(파트)