• 로그인

고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. Jae-Mahn Shim 심재만

Tel:  02-3290-2088

E-mail: jayshim@korea.ac.kr; jaemahn.shim@gmail.com

  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Lab Members
  • Profile

    I am engaged in the theoretical conceptualization of social action and the empirical examinations of medicine, culture, economy, organizations, and religion. Grounded in the general sociological theories of social action, I pose and answer empirical questions regarding medicine/science, culture, economic action, social organizations, and religious practices. I purport to renew empirical investigations in sociology with the general theory of social action and, reciprocally, to renew the theory of social action with these empirical inquiries in sociological subfields. The methodology of content analysis (qualitative and quantitative) and mixed methods (QCA and RCA) informs and is informed by my theoretical and empirical enterprises.
    사회학 각 세부전공을 관통하는 일반론적 관심사를 (사회)행위론과 (사회)구조론으로 요약해 이해한다. 행위론과 구조론 역시 상호 연계되고 중첩되어 이론화되어야 온당한 행위론 혹은 구조론이 가능하다고 본다. 따라서 행위론(agency)과 구조론(structure)을 함께 연구하는 방편으로 '사회적 행위(social action)'에 주목해 왔다. 사회적 행위란 과연 어떤 언어와 관찰들로 기록되어야 하는지 그리고 사회적 행위에 대해 무엇을 물어야 하는지 연구한다. 그와 같은 연구가 '풍요로운 삶'을 고민하는 실천적 연구라고 믿는다. 구체적인 경험연구 맥락은 의료/과학, 문화, 경제, 조직, 종교 등이다. 이를 위해 양적방법론과 질적방법론의 병합 사용(mixed methods), 콘텐츠분석(content analysis) 등에 관심을 기울인다.
  • Curriculum Vitae

    Ph.D. Sociology. 2013. University of Chicago
    M.A. Sociology. 2008. University of Chicago
    M.A. Environmental Planning. 2004. Seoul National University
    B.A. Sociology. 2000. Seoul National University


    Professional Experiences
    • Associate Professor, Korea University. 2019
      Assistant Professor, Korea University. 2017
      Assistant Professor, University of Seoul. 2014 – 2017
      Chief Editor, University of Seoul Press. 2017.3 – 2017.8
      Chair, Department of Urban Sociology, University of Seoul. 2015.3 – 2017.2
      Assistant Professor, Stetson University, USA. 2013
  • Publication

    2017. “경제조직 변화와 경제행위 합리화: 경제 영역과 비경제 영역 간 분화, 단절, 배태의 역사.” Pp. 93-114. 한준 외. 『외환위기 이후 20년 한국 사회구조와 생활세계의 변화』. 대한민국역사박물관 연구총서 시리즈.
    2017. “서울 어느 동네 누가 건강할까? (The Effects of Neighborhood Contexts on Self-Rated Health in Seoul and the Differentiation of These Effects among Social Groups).” Pp.71-98. 서우석·변미리·김백영·김지영(편). 『서울사회학』 제3장


    2019. "의료에서의 근대를 향한 여정(A Journey to Read Modernity in Medicine): 이현정, 김태우 엮음 『의료: 아시아의 근대성을 읽는 창』을 읽고.” 아시아리뷰 (Asia Review) 8(2): 279-289.
    2019. “Listen to Doctors, Friends, or Both? Embedded They Produce Thick Knowledge and Promote Health.” Journal of Health Communication 24 (1): 9-20.
    2018. "사회적기업 종사자의 다차원적 직업만족도: 규범적, 가치론적 행위이론 접근(The Normative Value-based Theory of Social Action and Multidimensional Job Satisfaction of Employees in Social Business Companies in South Korea). 노동연구 (The Journal of Labor Studies) 36: 45-75.
    2018. “Three Plural Medical Systems in East Asia: Interpenetrative Pluralism in China, Exclusionary Pluralism in Korea, and Subjugatory Pluralism in Japan.” Health Policy and Planning 33 (3): 401-410. DOI:10.1093/heapol/czy001. PMID 29365105.
    2017. “The Coordination of Plural Logics of Action and Its Consequences: Evidence from Plural Medical Systems.” PLOS One 12 (12): e0189841. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189841. PMID 29253867.
    2017. “The Association between the Use of Biomedical Services and the Holistic Use of Traditional East Asian Medicine: a National Survey of Outpatients in South Korea.” BMJ Open 7 (12): e018414. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018414. PMID 29217726.
    2017. “한국 건강통계의 현황 검토를 위한 프레임워크 개발 (A Conceptual Framework for Building Health Indicators in Korea)” 보건과 사회과학 (Health and Social Science) 44: 133-163.
    2016. “Cross-national Differences in the Holistic Use of Traditional East Asian Medicine in East Asia.” Health Promotion International. DOI: 10.1093/heapro/daw089 (online advance publication). PMID 28011655.
    2016. “감염성 질병의 발생 및 치료효과에 영향을 미치는 인구사회적 요인: 한국 중동호흡기질환(MERS) 사례를 중심으로 (Disparities in Infectious Diseases: the Case of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in Korea).” 보건과 사회과학  (Health and Social Science) 42: 39-57.
    2016. “The Relationship between the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the Use of Biomedical Services: Evidence from East Asian Medical Systems.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 28 (1): 51-60. PMID 26512027.
    2015. “The Influence of Social Context on the Treatment Outcomes of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: the Case of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in Japan and the U.S.” Globalization and Health 11 (1): 17. PMID 25907272.
    2014. “Patterns of User Disclosure of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Use.” Medical Care 52 (8): 704-708. PMID 25025870.
    2014. “Attention to Local Health Burden and the Global Disparity of Health Research.” PLOS One 9 (4): e90147. PMID 24691431.
    2013. “Self-Rated Health Assessed by Web vs. Mail Modes in a Mixed Mode Survey: the Digital Divide Effect and the Genuine Survey Mode Effect.” Medical Care 51 (9): 774-781. PMID 23774510.
    2011. “Institutional Heterogeneity in Globalization: Co-development of Western-Allopathic Medicine and Traditional-Alternative Medicine.” International Sociology 26 (6): 769-788.
    2011. “The Limit of Equality Projects: Public Sector Expansion, Sectoral Conflicts, and Income Inequality in Post-Industrial Economies.” American Sociological Review 76 (1): 100-124. * Awarded the Best Article Award by the American Sociological Association in 2012.
    2004. "마을실천계획을 통한 지역사회 역량형성에 관한 연구: 철암동 지역재활성화 과정을 사례로 (A Study on the Community Empowerment through Village Action Planning)." Korea Center for City and Environment Research (한국도시연구소). Urban Studies (도시연구) 9: 162-193.
    2002. “쇠퇴한 지역의 희망 (Hope for Declining Communities: New Deal for Communities).” Korea Center for City and Environment Research (한국도시연구소). Urbanity and Poverty (도시와 빈곤) 58: 93-115.
  • Research

    Current Research Projects
    행위론을 의료, 경제, 조직, 문화, 종교 등 여러 경험영역에서 이론화한다. 현재 다음과 같은 분야별 주제로 연구를 진행 중이다.
    경제행위(고용/취업)의 중층적 의미
    의료서비스이용에 관한 행위론(개인성 이론) 정립 및 경험 분석(의료문화에 대한 양적 질적 연구)
  • Teaching

    행위론, 현대사회이론, 콘텐츠분석론, 사회통계, 세계사회론, 사회조직론, 의료문화론
  • Lab Members

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