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고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. 김유경 (YooKyung Kim)

Tel: 02-3290-2328


E-mail: yookyung_kim@korea.ac.kr

세부전공: 식품화학 (Food Chemistry) 

  • About Professor
  • Research
  • Publication
  • Teaching
  • Lab Members
  • Profile

    2004. 5. 미국 University of Georgia 대학원 식품공학과 이학박사 (식품공학, 식품화학 전공)
    1999. 2. 고려대학교 대학원 가정학과 가정학석사 (식품영양학 전공)
    1996. 2.   고려대학교 사범대학 가정교육과 가정학사 (가정교육학 전공)
    2016  ~  현재  고려대학교 사범대학 가정교육과 교수
    2011  ~   2016 고려대학교 사범대학 가정교육과 부교수
    2008.03. ~ 2011 고려대학교 사범대학 가정교육과 조교수
    2007.01 ~ 2008.02. USDA-ARS (Albany, CA) Research Food Technologist
    (곡류를 이용한 기능성 식품 개발 연구)
    2004.07 ~ 2006.12.    USDA-ARS (Athens, GA) Research Food Technologist
    (NIR를 이용한 식품 분석법 개발 연구)
    2004.05 ~ 2004.06.    University of Georgia Postdoctoral Research Fellow

     성북구가족센터 센터장 (2022 ~ 현재)

     식품의약품안전처 핵심전문가 (2021 ~ 현재)

     한국가정과교육학회 학술이사(2021 ~ 현재), 편집위원(2019 ~ 2020), 기획이사(2013 ~ 2015)

     고려대학교 생활과학연구소 소장 (2018 ~ 2020)

     전국가정교육과 교수협의회 이사 (2019 ~ 2020)

     농림식품기술기획평가원 평가위원 (2018)

  • Publication

    Publications (within 5 years)


    * 논문은 1) 기능성 식품 및 영양 역학/ 2) 식생활 교육 / 3) 전체 발행 논문 순으로 정리

    * All articles organized by 1) Functional Foods and Nutritional Epidemiology / 2) Dietary Education / 3) All Published Articles.




    1) 기능성 식품 및 영양 역학(Functional Foods and Nutritional Epidemiology)



    Oh, E., Kim, Y. (2024) Influence of mealworms (Tenebrio molitor larvae) and their protein derivatives on the structural and rheological properties of tofu, Food Hydrocolloids, 147, 109399


    Kim, J., Kim, S.H., Kim, Y (2024) Evaluating the quality of soy residue-supplemented Korean traditional rice wine and its lactic acid bacteria, Cereal Chemistry, 101(1), 73-84.


    Zhang Y, Kim J, Song KY, Kim Y. (2024) Effects of soybean residue addition on yogurt quality: Physicochemical, functional, and sensory properties, Progress in Nutrition, 26(1), e2024005.


    Lee, J.W., Kim, Y (2024) Association of plain water intake with perceived depression and suicidality among Korean adolescents, Epidemiology and Health, Accepted. 




    Park, K., Kim, Y. (2023) Enhanced antioxidant capacity of brown vinegar supplemented with soy residue, Cereal Chemistry, 100(6), 1314-1325.


    Yoon, Y., Oh, E., Park, W-J., Kim, H.S., Kim, Y. (2023) Effects of enzymatic hydrolysis and size fractionation of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor larvae) protein on antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities and inhibition of muscle loss, ACS Food Science & Technology, 3 (5), 850-857.


    Jun, S-H, Lee, J.W, Shin, W-K, Lee, S-Y, Kim, Y (2023) Association between plant protein intake and grip strength in Koreans aged 50 years or older: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2016–2018, Nutrition Research and Practice, 


    Lee, J, Kim, Y., Shin, W-K. (2023) Relationship of carbohydrate and fat intake with metabolic syndrome in Korean women: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2007-2016) Journal of Home Economics Education Research, 35(1), 1-14 




    Jin, Y, Song, K.Y., Kim, Y. (2022) A soy-based jerky made from transglutaminase-treated yuba film, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e17180


    Jun, S-H., Lee, J.W., Shin, W-K., Kim. Y. (2022) Plant proteins in relation to health-related quality of life in South Korean individuals aged 50 years or older: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2016–2018, Journal of Home Economics Education Research, 34(4), 1-18, 


    Oh, E., Park, W.J., Kim, Y. (2022) Effects of Tenebrio molitor larvae and its protein derivatives on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacities of tofu, Food Bioscience, 50, 102105


    Hou, Y., Yoon, Y., Oh, E., Sung, B. & Kim, Y. (2022) Effects of soy protein hydrolysates on antioxidant activity and inhibition of muscle loss, International Food Research Journal, Accepted.


    Lee, H. & Kim, Y. (2022) Development of a low-salt soy sauce with enhanced flavor and functionality with soy residue and Tenebrio molitor larvae powder, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 46 (95),


    Wang, Y., Song, K-Y, & Kim, Y. (2022) Effects of thermally treated mulberry leaves on the quality, properties, and antioxidant activities of yogurt, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 46,


    Hong, J., Shin W-K., Lee J.W., Lee, S-Y., & Kim, Y. (2022) Associations of serum vitamin D level with sarcopenia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and sarcopenia in NAFLD among people aged 50 and over: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) IV-V, Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, 20(4)




    Yu, X., Oh, E., and Kim, Y. (2021) A comparative study of the functional properties of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larvae and soybean protein isolates and hydrolysates, International Food Research Journal,


    Yang, F., & Kim, Y. Application of yuba film as frozem dumpling wrapper, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 151, 11245


    Song, K-Y & Kim, Y. (2021) Effects of fat replacement by hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) on the physicochemical, textural, and sensory properties of reduced-fat soy sausages, Progress in Nutrition, 23 (4)


    Song, K-Y & Kim, Y. (2021) Effects of fat replacement by hydroxyl methylcellulose (HPMC) on the physicochemical, textural, and sensory properties of reduced-fat soy sausages, Progress in Nutriion, 23 (4)


    Hong, J., Shin W-K., Lee J.W., & Kim, Y. Relationship between protein intake and sarcopenia in the elderly with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease based on the fourth and fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders


    Lee, J.W., Shin, W-K., & Kim, Y. (2021) Food security status is not associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome in Korean adults, Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders




    Lee, J.S., & Kim, Y. (2020) Application of soymilk skin as sausage wrapping for improving lipid oxidation, Journal of Texture Studies, 51(6), 948-954.
    Meng, Y., & Kim, Y. (2020) Effects of heat curing and transglutaminase treatments on the physical, mechanical, and water barrier properties of yuba films, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 44(12), e14970.
    Ren, Y., Song, K-Y., & Kim, Y. (2020) Physicochemical and retrogradation properties of low-fat muffins with inulin and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose as fat replacers, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 44(10), e14816.
    Kim, Y.J., Ryu, J-H., & Kim, Y. (2020) Application of yuba films for preserving beef patties, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 131, 109746.
    Lee, H., Jang, W., & Kim. Y. (2020) Qualitative analysis of soy sauces made from fresh okara using two fermentation methods, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2020, e14402.
    Jun, S-H.,Shin, W-K., & Kim, Y.(2020) Association of soybean food intake and cardiometabolic syndrome in Korean women: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2007 to 2011), Diabetes & Metabolism Journal, 2020, 44(1), 143-157.
    Lee, J.W., Shin, W-K., & Kim, Y. (2020) Impact of sex and marital status on the prevalence of perceived depression in association with food insecurity, Pols One, 2020, 6, 0234105.


    Kim, S.H., Kim, Y.K., Han, J.S. (2020) Antioxidant Activities and Nutritional Components of Cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) Powder and Protein Extract, Asian Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology, 18(2), 163-172.
    Kim. Y.J., Kim. Y.K., Han. J.S. (2020) Perception of Edible Insect and Insect Foods among Adults,Asian Journal of Beauty and Cosmetology, 18(1) 53-63.



    2) 식생활 교육(Dietary Education)



    홍승아, 정세호, 이정우, & 김유경 (2023) 고등학생 대상의 포토보이스를 활용한 지속가능한 식생활에 대한 개념 인식 탐색, 한국가정과교육학회지, 35(4), 135-149.


    계은슬, 김유경, & 이정우 (2023) 청소년의식생활에 따른 정신건강 실태 : 제16차-제18차 (2020년-2022년) 청소년건강행태조사자료를 이용하여, 한국가정과교육학회지, 35(4), 33-45.


    이정우, & 김유경. (2023). 코로나-19 유행 이전과 코로나-19 유행 시기의 청소년 식생활 행태 비교분석. 한국가정과교육학회지, 35(2), 61-72.




    고지원, 박선성, 김서현, & 김유경. (2022). 중학생의 배려심⋅ 다문화수용성 향상을 위한 비주얼 씽킹 활용 식생활교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용: 2015 개정 기술⋅ 가정과 교육과정을 중심으로. 한국가정과교육학회지, 34(2), 153-166.


    이영은, 유세종, 이정우, 고지원, & 김유경. (2022). 중학생 대상 지구환경을 위한 지속가능한 식생활교육 프로그램. 한국가정과교육학회지, 34(2), 59-75.




    백희연, 유세종, 김유경 (2021) 블렌디드 러닝을 활용한 기술·가정 ‘청소년기 영양과 식행동’ 단원의 교수·학습과정안 개발, 한국가정과교육학회지, 33(4), 119-137


    범설영, 김유경, 신우경 (2021) 수면시간에 따른 견과류 섭취와 고혈압의 연관성: 2010~2016년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여, 한국가정과교육학회지, 33(4), 103-117


    장은영, 김유경, & 신우경. (2021). 한국 성인의 비타민 C 섭취와 비만 유병률의 연관성-2016-2017 년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여-. 한국식생활문화학회지


    정세호, 이정우, 배다영, & 김유경. (2021). 청년 1 인가구를 위한 식생활교육 프로그램 개발. 한국가정과교육학회지, 33(1), 151-167.




    오은영, 김유경 (2020) 2015 개정 중학교 기술가정 교과서 ‘식생활 단원’의 식품안전 내용 분석, 한국가정과교육학회지, 32(3), 63-79.


    지지에, 김유경, 신우경 (2020) 한국 성인여성의 신체활동에 따른 과일 채소 섭취와 정신겅강의 연관성- 2014~2016년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여, 한국식생활문화학회지, 35(1), 107-116.



    3) 전체 발행 논문 (All Published Articles)


    Kim, N., Seo, E., & Kim, Y (2019) Physical, mechanical, and water barrier properties of yuba films incorporated with various types of additives, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99, 2808–2817.


    Huh, H-J., Shin, W-K., & Kim, Y (2019) Textural and cooking qualities of noodles made with soy flour and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, International Food Research Journal, 2019, 26(2). 421-428.


    Kim, J., Shin, W-K., & Kim, Y (2019) Effect of Lotus seed on viscosity and antioxidant activity of soy-based porridge, Cereal Chemistry, 96(2), 220-227.


    Huang, J., Ypkpyama, W.H., & Kim, Y (2019) Soy noodles processed from soy flour or tofu affects antioxidant content, lipid accumulation in 3T3‐L1 cells, and plasma lipids in hamsters, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2019, 43(2), e13871.


    Jang, S., Shin, W-K., & Kim, Y (2019) Texture of steamed rice cake prepared via soy residue and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose supplementation, Cereal Chemistry, 2019, 96(1), 57-65.


    한정순, 김유경 (2019) 체중관리 프로그램이 중년 비만 여성의 체성분과 칼슘, 아연,철 섭취에 미치는 영향, 아시안뷰티화장품학술지, 17(1), 15-24.


    서경화, 김서현, 김유경 (2019) ‘식생활 단원’의 가족식사 관련 내용 분석, 학습자중심교과교육연구, 19, 93-119.

    Xin, Y., Lee J.Y., Kim, J., & Kim Y (2018) Effect of curdlan on textural and cooking qualities of noodles made with tofu, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 42(8), e13661.


    Zhang, S., Lee, J., & Kim, Y (2018) Chemical composition, water vapor permeability, and mechanical properties of yuba film influenced by soymilk depth and concentration, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(5), 1751-1756.


    Zhang, S., Kim, N., Yokoyama, W., & Kim, Y (2018) Effects of moisture content on mechanical properties, transparency, and thermal stability of yuba film. Food Chemistry, 2018, 248(15), 202-207.


    Shin, W-K., Wicker, L., & Kim Y (2017) HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) as a fat replacer improves the physical properties of low‐fat tofu, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97(11), 3720-3726


    안순희, 신우경, 김유경 (2018) 대학생을 위한 건강, 환경, 배려를 위한 식생활교육 효과, 한국식생활문화학회지, 33(2), 176-185.


    기예진. 김유경, 신우경 (2018) 청소년들의 수면시간에 따른 정신건강 및 영양섭취 상태 –국민건강영양조사(2007-2016년)자료를 이용하여, 한국가정교육학회지, 30(4),,1-14.


    신우경, 강소영, 김유경 (2017) 가족식사가 식생활태도, 학업성취도 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 - 경기도 고양시 소재 중학생을 중심으로, 한국가정교육학회지, 29(4), 149-159.


    안순희, 김유경 (2017) 북한 식생활 영역의 용어 연구를 통한 북한 식생활의 이해. 한국가정교육학회지, 29(1), 1-13.


    신상희, 신우경, 김유경 (2017) 청소년들의 체형인식에 따른 영양소 섭취실태 및 정신건강: 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여. 한국가정교육학회지, 29(1), 93-109.


    김나연, 신우경, 김유경 (2017) 청소년 고카페인 음료 섭취빈도와 정신건강의 관련성 연구. 한국식생활문화학회지, 32(1), 66-74.


    이윤정, 김유경, 이예영, 외 7인. (2017). 예비 가정과교사를 위한 통일대비 가정생활문화교육 프로그램의 개발과 평가. 한국가정과교육학회지, 29(1), 125-143.


    이하나, 김유경, 이윤정, 이예영, 외 7인. (2017). 중학생을 위한 통일대비 가정생활문화교육 프로그램 개발과 평가. 한국가정과교육학회지, 29(3), 105–124.


     이윤정, 김유경, 외 9인. (2016) 탈북청소년들을 위한 가정생활교육프로그램의 개발과 평가, 한국가정과교육학회지, 28(1), 41-57


     Park, J., Choi, I., & Kim, Y (2015) Cookies formulated from fresh okara using starch, soy flour and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose have high quality and nutritional value, LWT- Food Science and Technology, 63(1), 660-666.


     Kim, J., Choi, I., Shin, W-K., & Kim, Y (2015) Effects of HPMC (Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) on oil uptake and texture of gluten-free soy doughnut, LWT – Food Science and Technology, 62(1), 620-627.


     Shin, W-K., Yokoyama, W.H., Kim, W., Wicker, L., & Kim, Y (2015) Change in texture improvement of low-fat tofu by means of low-fat soymilk protein denaturation, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95(5), 1000-1007


     Lee, J.W., Kim, Y., Perera, V., Mclachlan, A.J., & Bae, K-S (2015) Prediction of plasma caffeine concentrations in young adolescents following ingestion of caffeinated energy drinks: a Monte Carlo simulation, European Journal of Pediatrics, 174, 1671-1678.


     Shin, W-K., Kim, W., & Kim, Y. (2014) Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of a low-fat tofu produced from supercritical CO2 extracted soy flour, Food Science and Biotechnology, 23, 43-48.


     Shin, D.J., Choi, I., Yokoyama, W.H., Kim, M-J., & Kim, Y. (2014) Decreased fat accumulation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes treated with extracts of heat processed soy flour and breads, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49(3), 759-767.


     Wicker, L., Kim, Y. et al (2014) Pectin as a bioactive polysaccharide-extracting tailored function from less, Food Hydrocolloids, 42(2), 251-259


     박영주, 김유경 외 6인 (2014) 성인초기 여성의 골밀도, 생화학적 골표지자 및 골건강 관련 요인, 대한간호학회지, 44, 504-514.


     Shin, D-J., Kim, W. & Kim, Y. (2013) Physicochemical and sensory properties of soy bread made with germinated, steamed, and roasted soy flour, Food Chemistry, 141(1), 517-523


     Kim., Y. & Kays, S.E. (2013) Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy prediction of trans and cis fats in ground cereal products at different resolutions, Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 21, 141-148.


     이정우, 김유경 (2013) 청소년의 음식선택동기가 전통발효음식에 대한 태도 및 섭취행동에 미치는 영향, 한국가정과교육학회, 25, 93-104


     Kim, Y. & Wicker, L. (2011) Charge domain of modified pectins influence interaction with acidified caseins. Food Hydrocolloids, 25, 419-425.


     Kim, Y. & Yokoyama, W.H. (2011) Physical and sensory properties of all-barley and all-oat breads with additional Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) β-glucan. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 741-746.


     Kim, H-S., Bartley G.E., Turowski M., Anderson W.H.K., Young S.A., Kim Y. & Yokoyama W. (2011) Supplementation of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose into yeast leavened all-whole grain barley bread potentiates cholesterol-lowering effect. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(14), 7672-7678.


     Jung, K.W., Kim, Y., & Lee. G.C. (2011) Effect of different levels of malt extract on antinutrients, in vitro digestibilities and viscosity during fermentation of jeungpyun. Food Science Biotechnology, 20(3), 679-685.


     Lee, H-S., Kim, M-K., Kim, Y. et al. (7) (2011) Stimulation of osteoblastic differentiation and mineralization in MC3T3-E1 cells by antler and fermented antler using Cordyceps militaris. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 133, 710–717.


     정경완, 김유경, 이귀주 (2011) 엿기름 추출액의 첨가량에 따른 증편의 저장 중 품질 특성 변화, 한국식생활문화학회지, 26(5), 521-529.


     김윤선, 강세진, 이귀주, 김유경 (2011) 기술가정교과의 식생활교육에 대한 중학생의 인식: 제7차 교육과정을 중심으로, 한국가정과교육학회지, 23(2), 161-174.


     김형선, 김유경 외 4인 (2011) HPMC의 쌀면 응용, 식품과학과 산업, 44(1),72-75.


     김지현, 김유경 (2010) 식생활교육지원법과 중학교 식생활교육: 2007 개정 가정 교과서의 식생활 영역을 중심으로. 한국가정과교육학회지, 22(4), 1-13.


     신두지, 김유경 외 8인 (2010) 서울지역 여성소비자의 1회 제공량 기준 영양표시의 이용실태. 한국식생활문화학회지, 25(6), 725-733.


     이성완, 김형선, 김유경, 백현호, 박현진 (2010) HPMC(Hydroxypropyl Methycellulose)의 식품산업적 응용, 식품과학과 산업, 43(4), 76-84.


     Kim, Y-K. & Kays, S. E. (2009) NIR prediction of trans-fatty acids in ground cereal foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57, 8187-8193.


     Kim, Y. & Wicker, L. (2009) Valencia PME isozymes create charge modified pectins with distinct calcium sensitivity and rheological properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 957-963.


     Sohn, M-R., Kim, Y., Vines, L.L., & Kays, S. E (2009) Near infrared analysis of lipid classes in processed cereal products. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 17, 127-133.


     강세진, 김유경, 이귀주 (2009) 늙은 호박(Cucurbita moschata D.) 가루 첨가량에 따른 호박편의 품질특성, 한국식생활문화학회지, 24(2), 191-198.


     김민경, 김유경 외 9인 (2009) 발효녹용의 균주 선별 및 발효녹용의 생리활성, 한국식품영양과학회지, 38(9), 1237-1242.


     Jung, K-W., Kim, Y., & Lee, G-C. (2008). A study on consumer consumption patterns and preferences for commercial Juk (Porridge). Food Quality and Culture, 2, 6-12.


     김유경, 이귀주 (1999) 부추첨가 김치의 발표과정 중 chitinase 활성과 조직감. 한국조리과학회지, 15(2), 102-107.


     김유경. 이귀주. (1999) 부추첨가 김치의 발효과정 중 펙틴질과 무기질 함량 및 조직감. 한국조리과학회지, 15(3), 258-263.


     이귀주, 김유경 (1999) 부추첨가 김치의 발효특성 변화. 한국식품영양과학회지, 28(4), 780-785. 



    Textbooks & Chapter



    이심열, 김유경 외 (2021), 고등학교 식품안전과 건강 교과서, 삼양미디어
    이심열, 김유경 외 (2021), 고등학교 식품안전과 건강 고사용 지도서, 삼양미디어
    김기수,..., 김유경 외 (2018), 2015 개정 중학교 「기술 가정」교과서. 비상교육
    김기수,..., 김유경 외 (2018), 2015 개정 중학교 「기술 가정」교사용지도서. 비상교육



    Kim, Y-K.; Wicker, L. 2006. Pectinmethylesterase modification to produce charge modified citrus pectin. In Advances in Biopolymers. Molecules, Clusters, Networks, Interactions; Fishman, M.L., Qi, P., Wicker, L. Eds.; American Chemical Society, ACS Symposium Series No 935, Chapter 15., 230-242.

  • Teaching

    HEED 176 식품과학의이해
    HEED 251 식품학
    HEED 253 식품학실험
    HEED 381 기능성식품학
    HEED 373 가정과문화
    HEE 516 식품분석 (Food Analysis)
    HEE 797 식품과학특론 (Advanced Food Science)
    HEE 837 식품화학특론 (Advanced Food Chemistry) 
    HEE 844 식품학특수연구 (Special Topics in Food Science)
  • Research

    Current Research Topic
    1. 식용곤충을 활용한 지속가능한 식품 소재 개발
      - 식용곤충을 이용한 기능성 식품 및 고령친화식품 개발(두부, 장류, 젓갈류 등)
      - 근 감소 개선을 위한 식용곤충 단백질 및 펩타이드 활용 연구 진행
    * Development of Sustainable Foods and Materials by Using Edible Insects
     In our laboratory, functional food products(such as soy sauce, tofu, shake with mealworm or cricket) are being developed and analysis of protein and peptide from mealworm is conducted. Especially, our research interests are mainly focused on developing functional foods and evaluating the efficiency to prevent sarcopenia using mealworm and soybean peptide. It is also applied to senior-friendly foods with global aging including Korea.



    2. 콩과 식이섬유를 이용한 건강기능성 소재 및 식품 개발

     - 대두와 식이섬유(HPMC, 변성 펙틴)를 이용한 건강기능성식품 개발 (콩빵, 콩면, 비지쿠키, 비지증편 등)

     - 유바를 활용한 식물성 가식성 필름, 대체육 제품(비건 육포) 등 다양한 식품 소재 개발

     - 대두 가공식품의 품목 다각화 및 대두소비 촉진을 위한 연구 진행


    *Development of Health Functional Foods and Materials by Using Soybeans and Dietary Fiber

     In our laboratory, functional food products (such as, soy bread, soybean noodle, Biji(okara) cookie, Biji rice cake) are being developed by using soybeans and dietary fiber (HPMC or modified pectin). Especially, our research has been consistently progressed to not only make an attempt at diversifying soybean processed products which is limited to some processed items but facilitate sustainable consumption of soybeans. Currently our research interests are mainly focused to developing edible film by using yuba (film skin on liquid surface) made from soybeans during the boiling of soy milk and applying these developed yuba film to existing casing of meat processed products.



    3. 식생활교육 프로그램 개발

     - 농림축산식품부 인증 제 31호 식생활 교육기관 (2013년 11월 인증)

     - 식생활 관련 교육내용과 교수법 연구 및 지속가능성을 위한 식생활 교육 프로그램 개발 관련 연구 진행 중

     - 식생활교육 담당 전문가 (중·고등학교 가정교사 포함) 양성 과정 운영


    *Development of Dietary Lifestyles Education Program

    Our laboratory designated as dietary education institution (No.31) by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) on November, 2013 is in charge of doing research on dietary lifestyles education. We give rational guidance as to education contents and ways of teaching dietary education and participate in Food Education Fair annually and help children attain full educational potential and good health by providing them with the experiment. In addition, we are actively doing research on developing dietary lifestyles education for preparing for eating pattern change with approaching reunification and multiculturalism age.


    특허 등록 및 출원


    *특허 등록



    *특허 출원


  • Lab Members

    연구실 소개


    기능성 식품 & 식생활 교육 연구실

    주소: 서울특별시 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 사범대학신관 B104/ 229호

    Tel: 02-3290-5383 (Lab)


    2023. 07 한국식품과학회 


    2023. 05. 스승의 날/ Dr. Louise Wicker 방한 특강 


    연구실 구성원

    과정 이름
    박사 오은영
      He Ruyang
    석사 Le Khanh An
      Wang Yifei

    (updated. 24. 01)




    연구실 졸업생 및 졸업논문





    (updated. 23. 09)