• 로그인

고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. 이윤정

Office: 운초우선교육관 610호

Tel: 3290-2326

E-mail : yleehe@korea.ac.kr

세부전공 : 패션마케팅

  • About Professor
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  • Teaching
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    미국 University of Wisconsin-Madison 의류학과 박사

    서울대학교 의류학과 석사

    서울대학교 의류학과 학사





    2012. 9. - 현재 고려대학교 가정교육과 교수

    2020. 9. - 현재 BK21FOUR 고려대학교 지속가능생활시스템교육연구단장, 일반대학원 지속가능생활시스템융합전공 주임

    2022. 2. - 현재 고려대학교 패션 디자인 및 머천다이징 연계전공 주임교수

    2022. 8. - 현재 고려대학교 교육대학원 가정교육전공 주임교수

    2020. 9. - 2022. 8. 고려대학교 생활과학연구소장

    2016. 1. - 2021. 12. 성북구건강가정·다문화가족지원센터장

    2019. 3. - 2021. 1. 고려대학교 연구처장 (연구정보분석센터장, 연구윤리센터장 겸임)

    2015. 8. - 2017. 7. 고려대학교 양성평등센터장
    2014. 8. - 2015. 8. 고려대학교 패션 디자인 및 머천다이징 연계전공 주임교수
    2014. 3. - 2016. 2. 고려대학교 가정교육과 학과장, 대학원 가정학과 주임
    2013. 8. - 2015. 7. 고려대학교 사범대학 연구부학장
    2011. 3. - 2013. 8. 고려대학교 패션 디자인 및 머천다이징 연계전공 주임교수

    2011. 2. - 2012. 7. 고려대학교 교육대학원 가정교육전공 주임

    2010. 9. - 2011. 2. 미국 University of Washington, Retail Center 방문교수

    2010. 1. - 2010. 6. 스웨덴 Stockholm University, Center for Fashion Studies 방문교수

    2006. 9. - 2010. 1. 고려대학교 패션 디자인 및 머천다이징 연계전공 주임교수

    2006. 8. - 2008. 8. 고려대학교 가정교육과 학과장, 대학원 가정학과 주임

    2007. 9. - 2012. 8. 고려대학교 가정교육과 부교수

    2003. 9. - 2007. 8. 고려대학교 가정교육과 조교수

    2002. 1. - 2003. 5. 미국 Washington State University 조교수





    한국의류학회 회장 (제24대, 2023. 4. ~ 2025. 4.)
    한국소비자학회 회장 (제25대, 2022. 6. ~ 2023. 5.)
    한국가정과교육학회 부회장 (제18대, 2023. 1. ~ 2024. 12.)
    한국소비자광고심리학회 이사

    Fashion and Textiles, Associate Editor

    Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Editorial board member

  • Curriculum Vitae


  • Publication

    • 패션머천다이징. 서울: 교학연구사. 김은영 외 (2021).
    • 패션마케팅. 서울: 방송통신대학교 출판부. 손미영, 이윤정 (2020).
    • 패션게임. 서울: 시그마프레스. 이윤정, 이미영, 이수진, 고선영 (역) (2015). 
    • 중학교 기술.가정 1 & 2. 서울: 미래엔 교과서. (공저)(2013).

    • 패션마케팅 사례연구. 서울: 교문사. 고은주 외 (공저)(2011). 

    • 패션마케팅: 현재와 미래. 서울: 박영사. 고은주 외 (공저)(2009). 

    • 패션바잉과 머천다이징. 서울: 시그마프레스. 이규혜, 이유리, 이윤정 (역) (2009). 

    • 패션의류, 마케팅으로 팔아라. 서울: 에피스테메. 이은영, 손미영, 이윤정 (2007).



    e Publications in English; * Corresponding Author

    Lee, Y.-J.*, Lee, G., & Lee, M. (2023). Manager-level Businesswomen's personal experiences of appearance management and body image. Human Ecology Research, 61(1), 103-122.

    Lee, G., Lee, Y.-J.*, Lee, M., & Hwang, J.-S. (2023). Career Women's Perception of Social Attractiveness, and Appearance Management Behavior. Human Ecology Research, 61(1), 155-168. 

    Kang, M.-K., Jin, B. E., Cho, A., Lee, H., Lee, J., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2022). An Exploratory Study on the Status of and Demand for Higher Education Programs in Fashion in Myanmar. Journal of Home Economics Education, 34(3), 1-23.

    Ki, C.-W.*, Ni, Y., & Lee, Y.-J.(2022). A Study on the Psychology and Behavior of Chinese Consumers Using Gaming Commerce: Based on the Basic Psychological Need Theory. Consumer Culture Research, 26(1), 79-103. 

    Hwang, J.-S., Lee, Y.-J.* (2022). Development of Impression Management Education Program for Career Women. Journal of Home Economics Education, 34(1), 97-111.

    Wee, J., Lee, Y.-J.* & Jung, H. J. (2021). A Study on Sustainable Laundry Behavior: Comparison between Korean and European Consumers. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 45(3), 525-545.

    Yoon, N.*, Lee, H. K., & Lee, Y.-J. (2021). The Effect of VR Store Vividness on Immersion and User Satisfaction. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 45(3), 559-572.

    Kim, T. Y., &  Lee, Y.-J.* (2021). The reconstruction of North Korean defectors’ self-identity and the role of clothing as a strategic means for cultural adjustment in South Korea. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 71(1), 103-118.

    Jin, X., Kim, T. Y.*, &  Lee, Y.-J. (2020). A Study on Therapeutic Effect of Fashion Products Consumption: Grounded Theory Approach. Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(6), 199-222.

    Jang, D., Lee, S. Y., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2020). Analysis of ESD-related content in clothing management unit of technology and home economics textbooks of 2015 revised curriculum. Journal of Korean Home Economics Education, 32(1), 89-105.

    Kang, J. H., & Lee, Y. J.(2020). A recommender system model using a neural network based on the self-product image congruence. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 44(3), 556-571.

    Bae, Y. Y., Lee, Y.-J., & Kim, K.* (2020). Development of a teaching-learning plan of the ‘Clothing and recycle’ units for the Education for Sustainable Development(ESD). Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 20(1), 123-141.

    eCui, Y., Choi, M. Y.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2019). A study on Chinese female consumers’ purchase of second-hand fashion luxury. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 19(2), 1-19.

    Han, S. M., Kim, K.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2019). A study of ‘clothing life’ curriculum on teacher preparation institutions for middle school home economics teachers. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 19(33), 715-73.

    Kim, E. J., Lee, Y.-J.*, & Kim, J. (2019). A study of the gender-biased attitudes of Korean middle school students toward home economics as a subject: implementing the implicit association test. Family and Environment Research, 57(4), 459-72.

    Hwang, J.-S., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2019). A study on the elements composing of the career women’s social attractiveness and impression management behavior. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 69(7), 34-50.

    Lee, Y.-J., Kim, E. J.*, & Kim, J. (2019). 실과(기술·가정)교육 분야 연구의 공저자 네트워크 분석. Journal of Korean Practical Arts Education, 32(1), 103∼124.

    eKim, E. & Lee, Y.-J.* (2019). Serve as you learn: problem-based service-learning integrated into a product innovation and management class. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 18(2), 29-43.

    Lee, J., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2019). An exploratory study of Korean reverse logistics system for clothing. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 43(1), 138-153.

    Kim, E. J., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2018). Influence of middle school students’ gender type and gender equity awareness on attitudes toward technology and home economics. Fam. Environ. Res. 56(1), 1-14.

    Lee, J.*, & Lee, Y.-J., & Noh, H. (2018). A case study on the application of visual merchandising (PBL) for shop manager. Fam. Environ. Res. 56(1), 71-84.

    eKim, E., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2018). Service-learning projects with local non-profit organizations integrated into a visual design class. Fashion, Industry and Education,15(2), 53-63.

    Shim, H. R., Choi, M. Y.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2018). Influence of perceived social distance of sns visual information on consumers' fashion style preferences. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 42(2), 327-341.

    Lee, J.*, Lee, Y.-J., & Noh, H. (2018). Development of a shop manager training program for vocational education high school students. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 42(4), 599-611.

    Lee, G., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2018). An exploratory study on defining the concept of ‘fashion sense’ to identify competencies. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 42(4), 639-656.

    Koo, H., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2018). Consumers' attitude formation toward fashion luxury goods and the use of marketing communication media. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 68(6), 15-31.

    Suk, S., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2018). Male consumers’ clothing consumption values and perceived importance of store attributes by store type preferences. Journal of Fashion Business, 22(5), 15-31.

    Kim, E. J., Lee, Y.-J.*, & Kim, J. (2018). Research trend analysis on practical arts (technology & home economics) education using social network analysis. Family & Environmental Research, 56(6):603-617.

    Kim, S., Moon, H., Lee, Y.-J., & Jung, H. J.* (2018). The impact of climate change on consumersʼ clothing care experiences. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 68(8), 81-100.

    eKim, T. Y.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2017). Contemporary dandies: The behavioral characteristics of Korean male consumers in fashion multi-brand stores and tailor shops. Journal of Business Research, 74, 149-153.

    Kim, T. Y.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2017). The effect of country-of-brand-origin perception on brand awareness and brand image: Comparison of Korean and Chinese male consumers using multi-group analysis, Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 41(2), 362-377.

    Kim, E., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2017). A study on pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and teaching efficacy of prospective home economics teachers. Journal of Korean Home Economics Education, 29(1), 57-70.

    Lee, Y.-J.* et al. (2017). Development and evaluation of family life culture education program in preparation for the reunification of Korea aimed at pre-service home economics teachers. Journal of Korean Home Economics Education, 29(1), 125-143.

    eLee, H., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2016). Korean gay men’s daily life and fashion. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 16(2), 101-120.

    Son, S., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2016). Qualitative research on professional baseball club’s licensed fashion product consumption. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 66(4), 18-31.

    eLee, Y.-J.*, Lee, J., & Salusso, C. J. (2016). The perceptions of apparel design and merchandising students on creativity and apparel design copyright. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 16(1), 1-16.

    Lee, Y.-J.*, Salusso, C. J., & Lee, J. (2016). Fostering creativity and ethical fashion design self-efficacy among fashion design & merchandising students. Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion Design, 16(1), 117-132.

    Lee, Y.-J.* et al. (2016). Development and evaluation of family life education program for North Korean defector adolescents in South Korea. Journal of Korean Home Economics Education, 28(1), 41-57.

    Cui, X., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2015). Influential Factors on the Consumption of Family Look Clothes. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 65(8), 35-49.

    eKang, J., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2015). Does apparel purchase involve joint purchase decision-making?: Interpersonal influences between spouse or significant others. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 39(6), 799-811.

    Lee, G. E.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2015). Consumer regulatory focus and impulse buying of apparel. Fashion Business, 19(6), 1-13.

    eLee, H., Choi, J., Lee, Y.-J.*, & Lee, Y.-Y. (2015). Comparison between South and North Korean terms, related to clothing and textiles. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 15(2), 37-47.

    Kim, T. Y., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2015). A study on the scale development of clothing consumption value for male consumers: Focused on the purchase behavior in fashion multi-brand store and tailor shop. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 39(6), 885-898.

    eLee, J., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2015). Acculturation for fashion consumer behavior: A case of Korean-American families, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 6(4), 278-291.

    Kim, E. J., Kwon, Y.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2015). A case study of the implementation mechanism of home economics curriculum in South Korea and the U.S. Journal of Korean Home Economics Education, 27(3), 79-97.

    Jo, A. *, & Lee, Y.-J. (2015). The effects of consumer value and conspicuous consumption tendency on the attitude toward and purchase intention of fashion cause-related marketing products. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 39(1), 43-54.

    Kim, E. J., Kwon, Y., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2014). Research trends in teaching-learning methods for home economics education. Journal of Korean Home Economics Education, 26(3), 17-34.

    Kim, T. Y.*, Jo, A., & Lee, Y.-J. (2014). An exploratory study on the clothing purchasing motives of male consumers in multi-brand fashion stores. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 38(5), 743-754.

    eLee, J. & Lee, Y.-J.* (2013). A Cultural Comparison of Sex Role Identity and Attitude toward Grooming and Recreational Apparel Shopping Behavior among Male Consumers. Fashion & Textiles Research Journal, 15(4), 565-573.

    Lee, J. & Lee, Y.-J.* (2013). The Perceptions of U. S. Fashion Industry Professionals’ on Fashion Design Copyright Law and Creativity in Fashion Product Development Process. Korean Design Forum, 40, 323-334.

    Lee, Y.-J.* & Ostberg, J. (2013). A case study of the Swedish fashion industry from the systems perspective of creativity. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, DOI:10.1080/20932685.2013.763477

    Kim, E., Kwon, Y.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2013). The direction for revising the achievement standards in Korean home economics education: focusing on the comparison with the U.S. national standards. Korean Journal of Home Economics Education, 25(1), 37-54.

    Cho, A.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2013). The influence of consumers’ need for uniqueness and conspicuous consumption tendency on their attitude toward and intention to purchase fashion collaboration products. Korean Design Forum, 38, 355-366.

    eLee, J., Lee, Yu., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2012). Do customization programs of e-commerce companies lead to better relationship with consumers? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 11(3), 262-274.

    eLee, Y.-J.* (2012). Orgdot: A fashion and social enterprise in South Korea. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 3(1), 52-58.

    Lee, J., Ko, S.*, & Lee, Y.-J. (2012). The influential factors on high school students' school dress code compliance, Korean Journal of Home Economics Education, 24(1), 57-67.

    Moon, H., Lee, Y.*, Lee, M., & Lee, Y.-J. (2012). The effect of evaluation expectation and task challenge on creativity in fashion design classrooms: Focused on the interaction among individuals' motivational orientation. Korean Design Forum, 34, 429-446.

    Lee, M., Lee, Y.-J.*, Moon, H., & Lee, Y. (2012). Creativity enhancement programs in world fashion schools. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 35(7), 748-760.

    eLee, J., Lee, Y.-J.*, & Ulasewicz, C. (2011). International and beyond: Reflecting on the identity of International Textile and Apparel Association. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 29(2), 165-182.

    Choi, E., Hong, K., & Lee, Y.-J. (2011). Korean consumers’ perceptions toward luxury products. Journal of Fashion Business. 14(5), 195-215.

    Lee, M., Lee, Y.-J.*, Moon, H., & Lee, Y. (2010). Career decision level of clothing and textile major college students in Seoul area. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 34(11), 1870-1879.

    Hong, K., Yang, J., Lee, J., Kim, Y., & Lee, Y.-J. (2010). A qualitative study of Korean clothing companies' perception of production environments and labor standards in foreign contract manufacturers. Journal of the Korean Society for Clothing Industry, 12(3), 291-301.

    Hong, K., & Lee, Y.-J.* (2010). A qualitative study of offshore outsourcing by Korean clothing companies. Journal of the Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 34(2), 200-211.

    Hong, K.-H., & Lee, Y.-J.*(2010). Clothing selection criteria and the use of fashion information sources based on the perceived age of elderly female consumers in their 60s~ 70s. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 34(2), 200-211.

    Chang, J., & Lee, Y.-J. (2010). Role of the Flow that Customers Experience upon Participating in the Design Process for the Mass Customization of Apparel Products. Journal of the Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 34(4), 606-616.

    Hong, K., Lee, J., Kim, Y., Yang, J., & Lee, Y.-J. (2010). The production situations of apparel sewing company and the perceptions about the mass customization. Journal of the Korean Society for Clothing Industry, 12(2), 162-171.

    Lee, Y.-J., Kim, Y., & Kwon, S. (2010). Korean Men’s Interests in Muscle Building and Their Body Satisfaction. Journal of Korean Home Economists Association, 48(4), 43-55.

    Lee, Y., Lee, Y.-J., & Seong, H. K. (2009). A case study on the development of designs for nurses’ uniforms: focusing on the uniforms for staff nurses and head nurses at Korea University Medical Centers. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 59(10). 22-37.

    eJung, J. & Lee, Y.-J. (2009). Cross-cultural examination of women’s fashion and beauty magazine advertisements in the United States and South Korea. Clothing & Textiles Research Journal, 27(4), 274-286.

    Cho, J., Jun, M., & Lee, Y.-J. (2009). The 20 years’ activities of Korean Home Economics Education Association: Accomplishments and future tasks. Journal of Korean Home Economics Education, 21(3), 177-193.

    eJung, J., Forbes, G., & Lee, Y.-J. (2009). Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating among early adolescents from Korea and the United States. Sex Roles, 61, 42-54.

    Hong, K. & Lee, Y.-J. (2009). The influence of salespersons attributes on relationship commitment between college students and salespersons and their performance. Journal of the Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 33(1).

    Lee, J. & Lee, Y.-J. (2008). Students’ perception of and attitude toward appearance regulations of high schools. Journal of Korean Home Economics Education, 20(2), 47-60.

    eLee, Y.-J. & Lee, J. (2008). Korean-American consumer attitude toward luxury fashion products. International Journal of Human Ecology, 9(2), 45-54.

    Han, M. S. & Lee, Y.-J. (2007). The effects of parents’ appearance-related parenting style on children’s appearance satisfaction and self-esteem. Journal of Home Economics Education, 20(4), 247-256.

    eLee, Y.-J. & Lee, J. (2007). The effect of ethnic identification and social group affiliation on body image satisfaction among Asian-American college students. International Journal of Human Ecology, 8(1), 9-18.

    Hong, K. & Lee, Y.-J. (2007). Consumers’ attitude toward care label instructions on children’s clothing. Journal of Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 31(5), 680-691.

    Lee, Y.-J. (2007). Male consumers’ motives of appearance management behavior: Focused on their sex role identities and benefit sought in clothing. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 31(4), 551-562.

    Hong, K. & Lee, Y.-J. (2007). Washing-related garment damage to children’s clothing and consumer complaint behavior. The Research Journal of the Costume Culture, 15(1), 25-36.

    Lee, Y., Lee, Y.-J., & Seong, H. K. (2006). A case study on the development of patient clothes designs: Focused on general patient pajamas and obstetrics and gynecology gowns of Korea University Medical Center. Journal of Korean Association of Human Ecology, 44(12), 9-18.

    Sohn, J. Y., Lee, Y.-J., Lee, Y. S., Jung, S. H., Jun, J. Y., Kim, Y. S, & Kim, H. N. (2006). Healthy family educational need and life satisfaction of middle school students and their parents. Korean Home Economics Education Journal, 18(1), 95-111.

    Lee, Y.-J. (2006). The moderating effect of perceived control over appearance in the social comparison process with advertisement models. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 30(4), 633-643.

    eLee, Y.-J. (2006). Gender differences in the influence of sex role identities and sex role discrepancies on appearance satisfaction and self esteem. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 30(3), 436-446.

    Chung, S. H., Kim, Y. S., Sohn, J. Y., Lee, Y. S., & Lee, Y.-J. (2006). Development of healthy family education program for middle school students. Korean Journal of Family Resources Management, 10(1), 127-147.

    Chang, J., & Lee, Y.-J. (2006). The Role of Situational Involvement in Impulse Buying of Clothing through Cable TV Home Shopping. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 30(2), 233-244.

    Hong, K. & Lee, Y.-J. (2006). Influential factors on the purchase intention of performance infants’ wear: focusing on product attributes, consumer traits, and communication characteristics. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 30(1), 146-156.

    Hong, K. & Lee, Y.-J. (2005). The purchasers vs. Non-purchasers of performance infants’ wear: Shopping behavior, shopper characteristics, and reasons for purchase/non-purchase. The Research Journal of the Costume Culture, 13(6), 1023-1036.

    Kim, T. & Lee, Y.-J. (2005). The effect of trial-experience information on the traffic and sales performance of apparel product websites. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 29(11), 1369-1380.

    Lee, Y.-J. (2005). Clothing shopping orientation and sex role identity of male consumers aged between 20 and 40. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 43(9), 27-40.

    eLee, Y.-J. & Lee, J. (2004). A study of Korean-American consumers' fashion and shopping behavior based on a bidimensional model of acculturation. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 28(12), 1545-1553.

    Lee, Y.-J. (2004). The influence of belief in body control on appearance satisfaction of U.S. Female college students. Journal of Korean Society for Clothing and Textiles, 28(7), 974-982.

    eLee, Y.-J., Rhee, E., & Jasper, C. R. (1998). South Korean consumers’ shopping motivations, clothing involvement, and intention to purchase apparel from catalogs. In Nancy Miller and Mary L. Damhurst (Eds.), International Consumer Behavior: A Collection of Reading and Course Activities. International Textiles and Apparel Association. pp. 65-76.

  • Projects

    4단계 BK21 지속가능생활시스템융합전공교육연구단 (한국연구재단; 연구책임자)

    우즈베키스탄 섬유패션 고등교육의 역량 강화를 위한 교육협력사업 수요조사: 주력 산업 강화를 통한 건전한 경제사회 발전 기틀 마련(한국연구재단 글로벌교육지원사업; 연구책임자)

    2022년도 세계시민교육강좌개설지원사업 (유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원; 참여연구원)


  • Teaching


    HEED 173 의류학의이해

    HEED 336 복식사회심리학

    HEED 217 패션산업과 지속가능발전

    HEED 338 패션마케팅및머천다이징

    HEED 373 가정과문화



    HEE 588 의류산업연구

    HEE 592 소비자의사결정론

    HEE 528 고급패션마케팅

    HEE 581 패션상품학특론

    HEE 589 패션상품유통특론

    HEE 651 복식사회심리특론

    HEE 655 의류학연구방법론

    HEE 510 가정교과지속가능발전교육

    HEE 831 의류소비자행동세미나

    HEE 863 글로벌패션산업과 지속가능발전

    HEE 866 소비자와 윤리적의사결정 

  • Lab Members

    패션마케팅연구실 석박사 학위논문





    강주희 자기이미지와 제품이미지 일치성에 근거한 직장 의복 선호에 대한 예측 연구

    차남수 성수 수제화산업 클러스터의 문제점과 개선 방안: 산업 종사자들의 인식을 중심으로

    한정민 시간적 거리에 따른 의복 평가기준 연구: 소비자의 시각적 반응을 중심으로

    황정선 직장 여성의 사회적 매력 제고를 위한 인상관리 교육프로그램 설계

    이고은 역량으로서 패션 감각에 대한 탐색적 연구

    조아라 윤리적 패션 소비에 관한 메타분석 연구

    김영미 백화점 여성의류매장의 비주얼머천다이징에 대한 시각적 반응이 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향

    이지수 백화점 여성 의류 브랜드의 비주얼 머천다이징 선호 요인에 관한 연구

    양진옥 패션브랜드 스토리에 나타난 브랜드역사성이 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향

    장지연 의류제품의 매스 커스터마이제이션을 위한 디자인 과정 참여시 소비자가 경험하는 플로우의 역할

    홍경희 여성 노년층 소비자의 라이프스타일 유형과 인지된 연령에 따른 의복쇼핑행동 : 서울지역 거주 60-70대 여성을 중심으로

    이정현 학교의 외모규제가 청소년의 학교적응에 미치는 영향





    Ni, Yunting(예운정) 아바타 꾸미기를 통한 대리만족이 메타버스 플랫폼에 대한 충성도에 미치는 영향: 중국 소비자를 중심으로

    강민경 미얀마 패션교육 현황 및 패션 고등교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 수요분석

    김재희 패션제품의 크라우드펀딩에 대한 소비자 태도 및 펀딩참여의도에 관한 연구

    위지원 명품 패션 제품의 지속가능성 메시지가 소비자 반응에 미치는 영향: 죄책감의 효과를 중심으로
    이진숙 소셜 네트워크 분석을 이용한 의류 역물류 시스템에 관한 연구

    Cui, Yichun(최이진) 중국 여성 소비자의 중고 패션명품 구매에 관한 연구

    심혜령 SNS에서 제공되는 시각적 정보의 사회적 거리가 패션 스타일 선호에 미치는 영향

    유지성 중국 소비자들의 의류제품 구매 시 옴니채널 선택 유형과 혜택지각에 관한 연구

    鄭炎忱(정옌천) 중국 소비자들의 한국 패션 점포에서의 모바일 결제 서비스 이용의도에 관한 연구

    김소희 시각적 소재 정보를 제시한 온라인 쇼핑몰에서 소비자의 접촉욕구 성향이 구매의도에 미치는 영향

    공단단 한국 유아동복에 대한 중국 여성 소비자들의 태도 및 구매행동: 한류문화 노출도와 유아동복 쇼핑성향을 중심으로

    김민하 북한이탈여성의 의생활에 관한 연구: 북한에서의 의생활 실태와 남한 적응과정을 중심으로

    李海倫(이해윤) 한국 문화 콘텐츠에 대한 노출과 국가 이미지가 중국 남성 소비자들의 한국 패션제품 구매의도에 미치는 영향

    최주원 도쿄 스미다구의 어패럴 중소제조기업 사례연구: 동대문 패션특구의 활성화를 위한 비즈니스모델 제안

    석세미 남성 소비자의 점포 선호유형에 따른 의복소비가치와 점포속성중요도

    何彬(하빈) 온라인 패션 쇼핑몰 CEO의 SNS 활용과 퍼스널 이미지가 쇼핑몰에 대한 태도와 구매의도에 미치는 효과

    Cui, Xinyan(최흔연) 패밀리룩의 구매와 착용에 관한 연구: 어머니 가족주의 성향, 놀이성, 공적자기의식을 중심으로

    구혜미 패션 명품 브랜드의 마케팅 커뮤니케이션에 관한 탐색적 연구

    金雪梅(김설매) 패션제품 소비를 통한 힐링에 관한 질적 연구

    손성이 의류기업의 스포츠 스폰서십이 유니폼 구매 및 소비자의 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구: 프로야구 여성 팬을 중심으로

    채유리 문화자본으로서의 패션: 스타일에 대한 취향과 디자이너 지식을 중심으로

    이선화 패션업체의 내부마케팅이 백화점 패션제품 판매사원의 직무만족, 조직몰입, 고객지향성에 미치는 영향: 자아일치성의 조절효과를 중심으로

    이지운 고기능성 아웃도어웨어에 대한 소비자의 가격관련태도 연구 : 아웃도어활동 참여동기와 소비자 지식수준의 영향을 중심으로

    한정민 패션제품 구매에 영향을 미치는 시간의 효과

    강주희 청바지 브랜드의 국제광고전략과 소비자 성향에 따른 광고효과

    이고은 30~40대 미혼여성의 라이프스타일과 의복구매행동

    조아라 소비자의 독특성 추구경향과 과시적 소비성향이 패션 콜레보레이션 제품에 대한 태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향

    허현영 성격과 의복관여도가 백화점 CRM과 고객 충성도에 미치는 영향

    권효진 패션컨설팅서비스의 이용 의향에 따른 소비자 세분집단 비교

    홍경희 혁신제품으로서의 기능성 소재 유아복의 채택과 구매행동

    김태연 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 의류 상품에 대한 착의 경험 정보 제공이 트래픽과 판매 성과에 미치는 영향

    장지연 케이블TV 홈쇼핑을 통한 의류제품 충동구매시 상황적 관여도

    조은성 의류제품의 브랜드확장에 관한 연구: 확장제품의 편익과 소비자의 추구편익을 중심으로



    교육대학원 석사


    장다원(2019) 2015 개정 중학교 기술가정 의복관리 단원의 지속가능발전교육 관련 교과서 내용분석

    한상미(2018) 가정교과 교사 양성과정의 의생활 영역 교육과정에 대한 연구
    배윤영(2017) 지속가능발전교육(ESD)을 위한 가정교과 수업의 교수·학습지도안 개발

    박지연(2010) 중학교 기술·가정 교과의 의생활 영역에서 창의적인 문제해결능력 신장을 위한 교수-학습 과정안 및 수행평가 도구 개발: 2007년 개정 교육과정 내용을 중심으로