고려대학교 건축학과

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  • 고려대학교
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Korea University

Department of Architecture

International Education

International Education (건축교육의 국제화)

국제적 경쟁력을 갖춘 건축인

국가의 장벽이 무너진 현재의 세계 건축 시장에서 국제적 경쟁력 있는 건축인을 양성하는 것은 중요한 목표이다. 이를 위해 학생들은 시시각각 변하는 해외 건축 시장의 흐름을 인지해야 하고, 국제어인 영어 구사 능력을 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기 모든 측면에 있어서 향상해야 한다. 그러나 보다 중요한 것은 현재 국제 건축계에서 형성되는 건축 담론을 접하고, 비평하고, 우리의 것으로 체화하는 능력이다. 본 프로그램에서는 학생들로 하여금 세계 건축의 최신 동향을 접하고 직접 국제 건축계와 소통하도록 교육할 것이다.


영어강의 및 해외경력 교수진 증강

영어 능력 향상은 국제적 경쟁력을 갖춘 건축인으로 학생들을 양성하기 위한 필수요건이다. 학교 차원에서 최소한의 영어 인증점수 획득을 졸업요건으로 하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 영어강의 비율을 2015년도 학교 전체 23% 및 건축학과 전공과목 61.1%로 운영하여 학생들에게 국제화의 필요성을 체감토록 하고 있다. 그동안 영어강의 비율을 높이고 외국인 본교생과 교환학생을 다수 받은 점은 물론이거니와, 외국인 교수 및 해외경력이 있는 외래교수진을 대폭 확충하여 국제적 네트워크를 형성한 점은 본 프로그램의 큰 장점이다.

외국인학생 특별전형 활성화

고려대학교는 학교 전체의 제도에 따라 외국인 국적의 학생들을 정원외 2학기 신입생으로 받고 있다. 본 프로그램에도 가을학기에 산발적으로 소수의 학생이 이러한 유형을 입학했는데, 2013년부터는 그 숫자가 증가했고, 외국인 학생들을 지원하기 위해 학과는 외국인 학생들을 위한 오리엔테이션과 상담시간을 마련하였다. 학과에서는 적극적으로 외국인 학생의 학사 생활에 도움이 되도록 노력하고 있다.

Architects with international competitiveness

It is an important goal to cultivate internationally competitive architects in the current global construction market, where national barriers have fallen. To this end, students must be aware of the ever-changing trend of the overseas construction market and improve their ability to speak English, an international language, in all aspects of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. More important, however, is the ability to interact with, criticize, and embody the architectural discourse that is currently being formed in the international architectural world. This program will educate students to get in touch with the latest trends in world architecture and communicate directly with the international architecture world.

English lectures and overseas experience faculty increase

Improving English proficiency is a prerequisite to nurture students as architects with international competitiveness. At the school level, not only is it a graduation requirement to obtain a minimum score of certification in English, but the percentage of English lectures is operated at 23% of the entire school in 2015 and 61.1% of major courses in the Department of Architecture, allowing students to experience the need for internationalization. The great advantage of this program is that it has increased the rate of English lectures and has received many foreign students and exchange students, as well as the fact that it has formed an international network by greatly expanding foreign professors and outpatient faculty with overseas experience.

Promotion of special screening for foreign students

Korea University accepts foreign nationality students as freshmen for the second semester in addition to the quota, according to the school's overall system. In this program, a small number of students were admitted sporadically during the fall semester, but the number has increased from 2013, and the department has prepared orientation and counseling time for foreign students to support foreign students. The department is actively trying to help foreign students in their academic life.

Notes from foreign students and graduates
Turaeva Urpiana
Turaeva Urpiana

건축학 학사

“KUA was a great experience! I met many people from all around the world and studied Architecture in its many facets and different points of view. Furthermore, a dynamic megalopolis as Seoul is an advantageous context to reflect on contemporary urban issues and, last but not least, have fun for sure.”
Ahmed Alsndi
Ahmed Alsndi

건축학 학사

“Since i became a tiger of KUA i got a new respective of life that makes me able to spend my time with wide, curious mind to everything.”
Elle Jie
Elle Jie

건축학 학사

“I'm very appreciate that our major have so many great professors that I can really learn things from, and my school life is getting better and better since we are having more and more foreign students.”
Anastasia Iakovleva
Anastasia Iakovleva

건축학 석사

“Korea University opened up a lot of opportunities for me.”
Ider Bayaraa
Ider Bayaraa

건축학 석사

“In the beginning, when I chose architecture major, I didn’t think much about it. But more I learn about architecture, it’s more and more interesting and I want to learn more. This school started my love for architecture.”
Alessandro Bugana
Alessandro Bugana

건축학 석사

“KUA was a great experience! I met many people from all around the world and studied Architecture in its many facets and different points of view. Furthermore, a dynamic megalopolis as Seoul is an advantageous context to reflect on contemporary urban issues and, last but not least, have fun for sure.”
Nasim Parvaz
Nasim Parvaz

건축학 석사

“I was lucky to had chance to study i KU, but i had to work and study really hard to survive and learning Korean was the hardest part. Beside all of good and bad memories, i had the understanding and the help of my professors in all level of my study period and it was the best thing for any student to have.”
Eva Karagkouni
Eva Karagkouni

건축학 석사

“In KU, I got the chance to attend courses of professors and with students from various countries, resulting in creating deep connections all over the world and getting to know better about architectural education in every nation. There are friendships made during my graduate school years in Korea that I will cherish forever.”
Hussein Rehab Mohamed Mohamed
Hussein Rehab Mohamed Mohamed

건축학 석사

“Besides giving me a chance to meet people from all around the world, I had best things for any student could have: an amazing architecture education and help from my adviser and my courses professors.”
David Aguilar
David Aguilar

건축학 학사

"The combination between a growing global openness and the peculiar Korean sense of things makes KUA the perfect place for curious minds who want to see different perspectives of everything"