김준연. (2023). ‘歌/行’ 詩題 唐詩 연구. 중국학보, 104, 3-24.
(The Study on the Tang Poems Including ‘Ge(歌)’ or ‘Xing(行)’ in the Title)

발행일: 2023년 5월 30일

초록 : 본고는 당대에 들어 새롭게 발전한 형식인 가행체에 대한 이해를 심화시키기 위한 기초적 연구의 결과물이다. 시에서 형식은 시인의 사상, 감정, 상상력을 독자들이 감상할 수 있는 형태로 제공하는 역할을 해왔다. 당대에는 근체시뿐만 아니라 이른바 가행이라 불렸던 새로운 형식이 탄생했는데, 이 가행의 개념과 성격에 대한 명확한 설명이 부족했던 것이 사실이다. 본고에서는 데이터 분석의 방법으로 『전당시』에 수록된 ‘가/행’시 1,267수를 분석해 형태와 내용의 특징을 탐구했다. 이 시들의 65.8퍼센트가 7언구를 포함하고 있기는 하나, 그렇지 않은 시도 상당수 있다는 사실에 주목했다. 코퍼스 분석도구 앙트콩크(AntConc)를 이용해 bigrams을 분석한 결과 ‘가’가 ‘행’보다 개성적인 색채가 더 강하다는 결론을 얻었다. 이백과 두보 시를 통한 실증적 탐색을 통해서는‘가’가 개인적 경험을 더 많이 반영하고, ‘행’은 사회적 현실에 관심을 보였다는 추론을 도출했다.

In all literary genres, form is essential and important as a container for the author’s thoughts. In the genre of poetry, the form structures the poet’s thoughts, emotions, and imagination into a poem, which the reader then understands and appreciates. During the Tang Dynasty in China, various forms of poetry were developed, including regulated verse(近體詩) and song style(歌行). However, unlike regulated verse, there was no clear explanation of the concept and nature of song style. This paper takes a closer look at the characteristics of form and content of poems that include the character ‘Ge(歌)’ or ‘Xing(行)’ in their titles, as a first step to deepen the understanding of song style. By analyzing 1,267 Ge-Xing poems from “The Whole Tang Poems(全唐詩)” using statistical methods, it was found that 65.8% of Ge-Xing poems contain one or more seven-character lines. Additionally, to determine the themes and subjects of Ge-Xing poems, the corpus analysis tool AntConc was used to extract bigrams. The result suggested that the themes and subjects of Ge-Xing poems were not significantly different from those of general poetry. However, more distinctive bigrams were found in ‘Ge’ than in ‘Xing,’ suggesting that ‘Ge’ had a stronger individualistic color than ‘Xing.’ Furthermore, this paper examines the actual features of Ge-Xing poems and identifies major poets who created many poems in this genre. Li Bai(李白) and Du Fu(杜甫), two representative poets of the Tang Dynasty, showed their prowess in creating Ge-Xing poems. Both their ‘Ge’ and ‘Xing’ have characteristics of songs, mainly achieved through the use of simple and conventional expressions or repetition of similar content. Through their examples, it was confirmed that there are clear differences between ‘Ge’ and ‘Xing,’ with ‘Ge’ reflecting more personal experiences and ‘Xing’ reflecting more interest in social reality.

DOI : 10.35982/jcs.104.1