나누리 김준연, (2023), ≪唐詩三百首≫ 連作詩 選詩에 대한 비판적 검토, 중국학보,  105, 207-233 (A Critical Review of Choices of Serial Poems in the 300 Tang Poems)

발행일: 2023년 8월 12일

본고는 청대에 ≪천가시≫를 대체할 교재로 손수가 편찬한 ≪당시삼백수≫에 선록된 310수 가운데 52수의 연작시를 검토한 것이다. 연작시 선시의 기준, 특징과 문제점을 두루 검토한 후에 그에 대한 해결방안도 제시하였다. 이 연작시들은 청대 종당파를 대표하는 심덕잠의 영향을 많이 받은 것으로 알려진 다른 ≪당시삼백수≫ 선록 시와 경향을 달리한다. 손수가 독자적으로 여러 선집을 두루 참고하면서 규원, 변새, 송별, 애정 등의 주제와 관련된 연작시에 강한 애착을 보여주었다. 이러한 주제 상의 특징은 아동용 교재를 표방한 편찬 취지와 다소 배치되는 측면도 없지 않다. 그러나 연작시 125수에서 52수를 선별한 결과를 보면 슬픔, 원망, 풍자의 정서가 지나치게 강한 작품을 배제한 것이 드러난다. 이는 ‘인성 교육’과 ‘시학 교육’을 두루 고려하고자 한 의도로 판단된다. ≪당시삼백수≫의 연작시 선록 결과는 몇 가지 문제점도 드러냈다. ‘궁궐’이나 ‘양귀비’와 같은 특정 소재에 집착한 일면이 관찰되고, 전체 내용의 일부만을 선록한 일부 연작시의 경우 시인의 본래 의도를 왜곡할 우려가 있다. 이러한 점들은 이미 상당한 정도로 정전화된 ≪당시삼백수≫를 비판적으로 수용하는 과정에서 충분히 검토해야 할 부분이라고 여겨진다.

The 300 Tang Poems(唐詩三百首) is a compilation of poems by Sun Zhu(孫洙), a former educational administrative official during the Qing(淸) Dynasty, intended to address the deficiencies found in the Poems by a Thousand Masters(千家詩). Educational canon, exemplified by the 300 Tang Poems, is a text organized in accordance with learners’ proficiency levels, serving educational objectives within the school context. The present review focuses on serial poems while examining the following issue. Sun Zhu diligently compiled the 300 Tang Poems, which diverged from the Poems by a Thousand Masters by featuring a total of 52 published poems, including 28 complete poems or multiple excerpts. Consequently, themes such as women’s lamentation, frontier life, farewell, and love received significant emphasis within the 300 Tang Poems. It is widely recognized that Sun Zhu’s compilation was greatly influenced by Shen Deqian(沈德潛)’s collection of Tang poems during the same period. However, unlike Shen’s collection, Sun’s work prominently incorporated love poems by Du Mu(杜牧) and Li Shangyin(李商隱). Therefore, it can be argued that the 300 Tang Poems played a crucial role in the establishment of love poems as a canonical genre. It is worth noting that the selection of the 52 serial poems published in the 300 Tang Poems entailed the exclusion of 73 poems from the original 125. The excluded poems generally manifested strong sentiments of sadness, resentment, and satire. This may reflect the consideration that the 300 Tang Poems served as an educational textbook. However, it is essential to assess whether it continues to be a relevant standard for contemporary general readers. The outcome of the selection process for the serial poems within the 300 Tang Poems exhibits clear limitations. First, an excessive preoccupation with themes such as “palace” and “Yang Guifei(楊貴妃)” can be observed. Additionally, there exists a risk that some serial poems, encompassing only partial content, may distort the original intentions of the poets. In light of the aforementioned discussion, this study explores salient aspects to be taken into account when approaching the 300 Tang Poems and puts forth alternative perspectives. Caution should be exercised concerning the potential adverse consequences arising from an unquestioning acceptance of the 300 Tang Poems. Furthermore, given that the compilation of poems resulted from a process of selection and exclusion, it is imperative to reassess the validity of the selection criteria and continuously unearth exceptional works among the excluded poems.

DOI: 10.35982/jcs.105.9