• 로그인

고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. 류지훈

Tel:  02-3290-3409(Lab: 4149)

Fax:  3290-3918

E-mail: escheri@korea.ac.kr

  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Lab Members
  • Profile

    우리 연구실은 식중독 발병의 원인이 되는 병원성 세균의 생리적 특성, 진단방법 개발, 살균소독제의 개발, HACCP 프로그램의 개발 등에 초점을 맞춘 연구를 주로 수행합니다. 본 연구실이 주요 연구대상 식중독균은 장출혈성 대장균 (Escherichia coli O157:H7), 바실러스 세레우스 (Bacillus cereus), 살모넬라 (Salmonella spp.), 크로노박터 사카자키 (Cronobacter sakazakii), 리스테이라 모노사이토제네스 (Listeria monocytogenes), 여시니아 엔테로콜리티카 (Yershinia enterocolitica) 등 입니다.

    • ▶ 식중독균 검출용 DNA chip 개발

    • ▶ 식물 유래 천연항균물질을 이용한 항균 세척제 및 항균포장기술의 개발

    • ▶ 식품 발효균의 생율 조절 및 식중독균 저감화를 위한 허들 테크놀러지의 개발

    • ▶ 식중독 세균의 생리적 특성 및 바이오 필름 형성 규명

    • ▶ 경쟁적 배제제를 이용한 식중독균 제어 기술 개발

    • ▶ 볍씨에 존재하는 B. cereus 의 생존 패턴 분석

     현대 사회가 발전하면서 식품의 안전성에 대한 관심은 계속적으로 관심이 고조되고 있으며, 식중독세균을 제어하기 위한 노력은 계속될 것입니다. 본 연구실에서 이루어지는 모든 연구들은 대한민국의 국민건강 증진에 도움이 될 것이라고 확신하고 있으며, 앞으로도 끊임없이 노력해나갈 것입니다.

  • Curriculum Vitae


    • - Doctor
    •   (2004) Food Science, University of Georgia, USA
    • - Master
    •   (1998) Food Science, University of Georgia, USA
    • - Bachelor
    •   (1993) Food Science and Technology, Korea University, Seoul, Kor

    Professional Experiences

    • - 2005/9/1 - present : Assistant Professor , Korea University, Seoul, Korea
    • - 2004/5/9 – 2005/8/10 : Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Georgia , USA
  • Publication


    • 38. Choi, S., J. Bang, H. Kim, L. R. Beuchat, and J.-H. Ryu. 2011. Survival and colonization of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on spinach leaves as affected by inoculum level and carrier, temperature, and relative humidity. J. Appl. Microbiol. In press

    • 37. Bang, J., H. Kim, H. Kim, L. R. Beuchat, and J.-H. Ryu. 2011. Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on radish seeds by sequential application of aqueous chlorine dioxide and dry-heat treatment. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 53: 424-429.

    • 36. Bang, J., H. Kim, H. Kim, L. R. Beuchat, and J.-H. Ryu . 2011. Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on radish seeds by sequential treatments with chlorine dioxide, drying, and dry heat without loss of seed viability. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 6680-6686.

    • 35. Ryu, J.-H. , J. Ko, H. Park, S. Yang, and H. Kim. 2011. Microbial examination of non-heated foods served in feeding programs of elementrary schools, Iksan City, Jeonbuk Province, Korea. J. Food Prot. 74: 1564-1568.

    • 34. Jang, J. H., S.-J. Kim, B. H. Yoon, J.-H. Ryu , M. B. Gu, and H.-I. Chang. 2011. Detection of Alicyclobacillus species in fruit juice using a random genomic DNA microarray Chip. J. Food Prot. 74: 933-938.

    • 33. Cho, S. Y., M. J. Park, K. M. Kim, J.-H. Ryu , and H. J. Park. 2011. Production of high ϒ -aminobutyric acid (GABA) sour kimchi using lactic acid bacteria isolated from mukeunjee kimchi. Food Sci. Biotech. 20: 403-408.

    • 32. Lee, J. Y., B. C. Kim, K. J. Chang, J.-M. Ahn, J.-H. Ryu , H.-I. Chang, and M. B. Gu. 2011. A subtractively optimized DNA microarray using non-sequenced genomic probes for the detection of food-borne pathogens. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 164: 183-193.

    • 31. Bang, J., H. Kim, H. Kim, L. R. Beuchat, J.-H. Ryu . 2011. Combined effects of chlorine dioxide, drying, and dry heat treatments in inactivating microorganisms on radish seeds. Food Microbiol. 28: 114-118.


    • 30. Bang, J., L. R. Beuchat, M. B. Gu, H.-I. Chang, and J.-H. Ryu. 2010. Identification of Yersinia enterocolitica using a random genomic DNA microarray chip. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 51: 665-670

    • 29. Kim, H., H. Kim, J. Bang., L. R. Beuchat, and J.-H. Ryu. 2010. Synergistic effect of chlorine dioxide and drying treatments in inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7 on radish seeds. J. Food Prot. 73: 1225-1230.

    • 28. Lee, M.-J., J.-H. Ha, Y.-S. Kim, J.-H. Ryu , and S.-D. Ha. 2010. Reduction of Bacillus cereus contamination in biofilms on stainless steel surfaces by application of sanitizers and commercial detergent. J. Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 53: 89-93.


    • 27. Beuchat, L. R., H. Kim, J. B. Gurtler, L. C. Lin, J.-H. Ryu , and G. M. Richards. 2009. Cronobacter sakazakii in foods and factors affecting its survival, growth, and inactivation. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 136: 204-213.

    • 26. Kim, H., Y. Lee, L. R. Beuchat, B. Yoon, and J.-H. Ryu. 2009. Microbiological examination of vegetable seed sprouts in Korea. J. Food Prot. 72: 856 - 859.


    • 25. Kim, H., Y. Kang, L. R. Beuchat, and J.-H. Ryu. 2008. Production and stability of chlorine dioxide in organic acid solutions as affected by pH, type of acid, and concentration of sodium chlorite, and its effectiveness in inactivating Bacillus cereus spores. Food Microbiol. 25: 964-969.

    • 24. Kim, H., J. Bang, L. R. Beuchat, and J.-H. Ryu. 2008. Fate of Enterobacter sakazakii attached to or in biofilms on stainless steel coupon exposure to various temperatures or relative humidities. J. Food Prot. 71: 940-945.


    • 23. Kim, H., J.-H. Ryu , and L. R. Beuchat. 2007. Effectiveness of disinfectants in killing Enterobacter sakazakii in suspension, dried on the surface of stainless steel, and in a biofilm. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73: 1256-1265.

    • 22. Murray, M. B., J. B. Gurtler, J.-H. Ryu , M. A. Harrison, and L. R. Beuchat. 2007. Evaluation of direct plating methods to enumerate Alicyclobacillus in beverages. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 115: 59-69


    • 21. Kreske, A. C., J.-H. Ryu , and L. R. Beuchat. 2006. Lethality of chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and a commercial produce sanitizers to vegetative cells and spores of Bacillus cereus and cells of Pseudomonas in a dishwashing detergent and on the surface of stainless steel. J. Food Prot. 69 (11): 2621-2634.

    • 20. Kim, H., J.-H. Ryu , and L. R. Beuchat. 2006b. Attachment and biofilm formation by Enterobacter sakazakii on stainless steel and enteral feeding tubes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72(9): 5846 - 5856.

    • 19. Kim, Hoikyung, J.-H. Ryu , and L. R. Beuchat. 2006a. Survival of Enterobacter sakazakii on fresh produce as affected by temperature, and effectiveness of sanitizer for its elimination. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 111(2): 134 - 143

    • 18. Kreske, A. C., J.-H. Ryu , and L. R. Beuchat. 2006. Evaluation of chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and a peroxyacetic acid-based sanitizer for their effectiveness in killing Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis spores in suspensions, on stainless steel coupons, and on apples. J. Food Prot. 69(8): 1892 - 1903.

    • 17. Simmons, J. L., J-H. Ryu , and L.R. Beuchat. 2006. Comparison of treatment of fresh-cut lettuce and diced tomatoes with sodium hypochlorite for effects on microbiological and sensory qualities. Food Prot. Trends 26:662-667.

    • 16. Beuchat, L. R., J.-H. Ryu , B. B. Adler, and M. D. Harrison. 2006. Death of Salmonella , Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes in shelf-stable, dairy-based, pourable salad dressings. J. Food Prot. 69(4): 801 - 814.

    • 15. Ryu, J.-H. , and L. R. Beuchat. 2005. Biofilm formation and sporulation by Bacillus cereus on a stainless steel surface, and subsequent resistance of vegetative cells and spores to chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and peroxyacetic acid-based sanitizer. J. Food Prot. 68(12): 2614 -2622.

    • 14. Ryu, J.-H. , H. Kim, and L. R. Beuchat. 2005. Spore Formation by Bacillus cereus in broth as affected by temperature, nutrient availability, and manganese. J. Food Prot. 68(8):1734 - 1738.

    • 13. Sharma, M., J.-H. Ryu , and L. R. Beuchat. 2005. Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in biofilm on stainless steel by treatment with an alkaline cleaner and a bacteriophage. J. Appl. Microbiol. 99: 449 - 459.

    • 12. Ryu, J.-H. and L. R. Beuchat. 2005. Biofilm Formation by Escherichia coli O157:H7 on stainless steel and its resistance to chlorine as affected by exopolysaccharide and curli production. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71: 247-254

    • 11. Ryu, J.-H. , H. Kim, J. F. Frank, and L. R. Beuchat. 2004. Attachment and biofilm formation on stainless steel by Escherichia coli O157:H7 as affected by curli production. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 39:359-362.

    • 10. Ryu, J.-H. , H. Kim, and L. R. Beuchat. 2004. Attachment and Biofilm Formation by Escherichia coli O157:H7 on Stainless Steel as Influenced by Exopolysaccharide Production, Nutrient Availability, and Temperature. J. Food Prot. 67: 2123-2131.

    • 9. Ryu, J.-H. and L. R. Beuchat. 2004. Factors affecting production of extracellular carbohydrate complexes by Escherichia coli O157:H7. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 95: 189-204.

    • 8. Ryu, J.-H. and L. R. Beuchat. 2003. Development of method to quantify extracellular carbohydrate complexes produced by Escherichia coli O157:H7. J. Appl. Microbiol. 95: 1304-1314.

    • 7. Deng, Y., J.-H. Ryu, and L. R. Beuchat. 1999. Tolerance of acid-adapted and unadapted Escherichia coli O157:H7 cells to reduced pH as affected by acidulant. J. Appl. Microbiol. 86:203-210.

    • 6. Ryu, J.-H. , Y. Deng, and L. R. Beuchat. 1999. Behavior of acid-adapted and unadapted Escherichia coli O157:H7 when exposed to reduced pH achieved with various organic acids. J. Food Prot. 62:451-455.

    • 5. Ryu, J.-H , Y. Deng, and L. R. Beuchat. 1999. Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in dried beef powder as affected by water activity, sodium chloride content, and temperature. Food Microbiol. 16:309-316.

    • 4. Ryu, J.-H. and L. R. Beuchat. 1999. Changes in heat tolerance of Escherichia coli O157:H7 after exposure to acidic environments. Food Microbiol. 16:317-324.

    • 3. Deng, Y., J.-H. Ryu and L. R. Beuchat. 1998. Influence of temperature on survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in dry foods and growth in reconstituted infant rice cereal. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 45:173-184.

    • 2. Ryu, J.-H. and L. R. Beuchat. 1998. Influence of acid tolerance responses on survival, growth, and thermal cross protection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in acidified media and fruit juices. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 45:185-193.

    • 1. Beuchat, L.R. and Ryu, J.-H. 1997. Produce handling and processing practices. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 3: 459-465
  • Research

    Research Area
    • 1. 랜덤 지노믹 DNA 를 이용한 식중독균 검출용 DNA chip 개발 농축산식품으로부터 식중독균 및 식품부 균들의 신속 × 동시 검출을 위한 DNA microarray 개발

    • 2. 식물 유래 천연 항균물질을 이용한 항균 세척제 및 항균 포장기술의 개발 식물에서부터 유래한 천연항균물질을 이용하여 항균세척제를 개발하고 신선농식품에 존재하는 위해미생물의 생육을 저해하기 위한 천연항균물질 함유 항균포장기술의 개발

    • 3. 식품발효균의 생육 조절 및 식중독균 저감화를 위한 허들테크놀러지의 개발

    • 4. 식중독 세균의 생리적 특성 및 바이오 필름 형성 규명 신선농식품에 형성된 식중독균 유래 바이오필름 제어를 위한 효과적인 살균기술의 개발

    • 5. 경쟁적 배제제를 이용한 식중독균 제어 기술 개발

    • 6. u- 식품의 위해미생물 인자를 선정하고 , u- 식품의 저장 / 유통 / 공정 / 중 주요 위해미생물의 변화양상 구명

    Ongoing Project
    • Characterization of biofilm formed by E. sakaz akii on stainless steel surface and itsresistance to various environmental factors.

    • Development of sanitizing program against foodborne pathogens.

    • Development of new sanitizer using hurdle technology.
  • Teaching


  • Lab Members
